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Učestalost polimorfizama CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4*22 i CYP3A5*3 u hrvatskoj populaciji

Authors :
Petreković, Sandra
Rogić, Dunja
Ganoci, Lana
Publication Year :


Enzimi pod-porodice citokroma P450 3A (CYP3A) sudjeluju u metabolizmu oko 50% lijekova u kliničkoj primjeni. Najvažniji su enzimi CYP3A4 i CYP3A5, za koje je karakteristična interindividualna varijabilnost. Genetičke varijante mogu objasniti dio varijabilnosti aktivnosti CYP3A. Klinički najvažnije su varijante CYP3A5*3 i CYP3A4*22, manje važan je polimorfizam CYP3A4*1B. Podaci o učestalosti polimorfizama CYP3A u hrvatskoj populaciji postoje, ali nisu iz istog skupa podataka. U ovom radu su istraživane učestalosti CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4*22 i CYP3A5*3 u istom skupu podataka u hrvatskoj populaciji. Uzorci DNA izolirani su iz uzoraka pune krvi tijekom 8 godina rutinskih farmakogenetičkih analiza u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Zagreb. U ovo istraživanje uključen je ukupno 1100 ispitanik. Genotipizacija CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4*22 i CYP3A5*3 je provedena PCR metodom u stvarnom vremenu TaqMan®. Učestalosti varijantnih alela bile su za CYP3A4*1B=0.0698 (n=258), CYP3A4*22=0.0355 (n=1100) i CYP3A5*3=0.9645 (n=440). Analiza genotipova polimorfizama pokazala je: (i) za CYP3A4*1B 86,43% ispitanika su nositelji genotipa*1/*1, 13,18% genotipa *1/*1B, a 0,39% genotipa *1B/*1B; (ii) za CYP3A4*22 93,09% su nositelji genotipa *1/*1, 6,73% genotipa *1/*22, a 0,18% genotipa *22/*22; (iii) za CYP3A5*3 83,18% ispitanika su nositelji genotipa *3/*3, 16,14% genotipa *1/*3, a 0,68%, a genotipa *1/*1. U ovom radu su učestalosti svih ispitivanih polimorfizama su bile nešto veće od prethodnih studija provedenih u hrvatskoj populaciji, jer se radi o pacijentima koji su genotipizirani u kliničkom okružju zbog nuspojava i/ili neučinkovitosti lijekova supstrata CYP3A. Učestalost alela i genotipova varijanti CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4*22 i CYP3A5*3 u hrvatskoj populaciji u skladu je s ostalim europskim populacijama. Cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) subfamily enzymes are involved in the metabolism of about 50% of drugs in clinical use. The most important are CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 enzymes, which are characterised by interindividual variability. Genetic variants can explain part of the variability of CYP3A activity. The clinically most important are variants CYP3A5*3 and CYP3A4*22, while the CYP3A4*1B is less important. Data on the frequency of CYP3A polymorphisms in the Croatian population exist, but they are not from the same dataset. In this study, the frequencies of CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4*22 and CYP3A5*3 were investigated in the same data set in the Croatian population. DNA samples were extracted from whole blood samples over eight years of routine pharmacogenetic testing at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb. A total of 1100 subjects were included in this study. Genotyping of CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4*22 and CYP3A5*3 was performed by the TaqMan® real-time PCR method. CYP3A allele frequencies were CYP3A4*1B=0.0698 (n=258), CYP3A4*22=0.0355 (n=1100) and CYP3A5*3=0.9645 (n=440). The analysis of genotypes showed: (i) for CYP3A4*1B, 86.43% of subjects were carriers of genotype *1/*1, 13.18% of genotype *1/*1B, and 0.39% of genotype *1B/*1B; (ii) for CYP3A4*22, 93.09% are carriers of the *1/*1 genotype, 6.73% of the *1/*22 genotype, and 0.18% of the *22/*22 genotype; (iii) for CYP3A5*3, 83.18% of respondents are carriers of the *3/*3 genotype, 16.14% of the *1/*3 genotype, and 0.68% of the *1/*1 genotype. In this study, the frequencies of all investigated polymorphisms were slightly higher than in previous studies conducted on the Croatian population. The frequency of the CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4*22 and CYP3A5*3 variant alleles and genotypes in the Croatian population is in accordance with the other European populations.


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