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Cost-benefit comparison of on-grid photovoltaic systems in Pannonian parts of Croatia and Serbia

Authors :
Sljivac, Damir
Nakomcic-Smaragdakis, Branka
Marko Vukobratovic
Topic, Danijel
Cepic, Zoran
Source :
ResearcherID, Tehnički vjesnik, Volume 21, Issue 5
Publication Year :


Rad predstavlja detaljnu analizu potencijala sunčeve energije i analizu isplativosti instaliranja fotonaponskih sustava u Panonskim dijelovima Hrvatske i Srbije. Uspoređeni su tarifni sustavi za poticanje proizvodnje iz električne energije pomoću mrežnih fotonaponskih sustava i time rezultirajućom dobiti s jedne strane s trenutnim investicijskim i pretpostavljenim troškovima održavanja i pogona tijekom životnog vijeka s druge strane. PVGIS – PhotoVoltaic Geographical Information System korišten je za podatke o sunčevom zračenju i proračunu očekivane proizvodnje električne energije iz fotonaponskih sustava nazivne snage do 10 kW, 30 kW, 300 kW i preko 300 kW (prema različitim poticajnim tarifama u Hrvatskoj) Rezultati pokazuju značajne razlike u razvoju fotonaponskog tržišta u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji i potrebu daljnjeg poboljšanja sustava poticaja i legislative u Srbiji kako bi se instaliranje fotonaponskih sustava učinilo izvodivim.<br />The paper presents detailed comparison of solar energy potentials and cost-benefit analysis of installing photovoltaic power systems in Pannonian parts of Croatia and Serbia. Feed-in tariff systems for incitement of the electricity production from on-grid photovoltaic power systems and the resulting benefits on one side and the current investment and the projected life-time operation and maintenance cost on the other side, have been compared. PVGIS – PhotoVoltaic Geographical Information System have been used for data on solar irradiation and calculation of expected electricity production from PV systems with rated power up to 10 kW, 30 kW, 300 kW and over 300 kW (according to the different feed-in tariffs in Croatia). The results indicate substantial differences in PV markets development in Croatia and Serbia and the necessity to improve feed-in tariffs and legislation in Serbia in order to make the installation of PV systems feasible.


Language :
13303651 and 18486339
Database :
Journal :
ResearcherID, Tehnički vjesnik, Volume 21, Issue 5
Accession number :