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Integrated Sports Programs in Kindergarten

Authors :
Živaljić, Ivana
Vlahović, Lidija
Babin, Bojan
Malada, Dodi
Publication Year :


Rad se bavi važnošću bavljenja fizičkim aktivnostima djece predškolske dobi i to prvenstveno kroz sportske programe u vrtićima. Fokus je na isticanju pozitivnih utjecaja sportskih aktivnosti na cjelokupan rast i razvoj djeteta. Teorijski dio rada obuhvaća karakteristike sportskih programa te njihovu izvedbu, prikazuje dobrobiti sportskih programa za dijete te se osvrće na utjecaj sportskih programa i na spremnost djeteta za školu. Glavni dio rada je istraživanje provedeno anketnim upitnikom na roditeljima djece predškolske dobi. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da se ispitanici uglavnom slažu u isticanju važnosti fizičkih aktivnosti kod djeteta, ali isto tako rezultati daju uvid u to da sportski programi u vrtićima nisu zastupljeni u mjeri u kojoj bi roditelji željeli. Istraživanjem je također utvrđeno da izrazito mali broj djece ispitanika pohađa sportski program u vrtiću.<br />he paper deals with the importance of engaging in physical activities of preschool children, primarily through the sports program in kindergartens. The focus is on highlighting the positive effects of sports activities on the overall growth and development of the child. The theoretical part of the paper includes the characteristics of sports programs and their performance, shows the benefits of sports programs for children and looks at the impact of sports programs and the child's readiness for school. The main part of the paper is a survey conducted with a questionnaire on parents of preschool children. The results of the research indicate that the respondents generally agree in emphasizing the importance of physical activities in children, but also the results provide insight that sports programs in kindergartens are not represented to the extent that parents would like. The research also found that a very small number of children surveyed attend a sports program in kindergarten.


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