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Ovisnost količine DNA traga o dobi i spolu donora na predmetima različite teksture

Authors :
Markulin, Dora
Marijanović, Inga
Gršković, Branka
Publication Year :


Ovim se istraživanjem nastojalo otkriti ovisnost količine DNA-traga o različitim čimbenicima. Analizirala se povezanost dobi i spola donora te količine DNA koju su ispitanici ostavili na predmetima različite teksture (papir, plastika, plastificirani metal) prilikom trljanja prstima i dlanom ili držanja predmeta u ruci te ovisnost količine DNA-traga o vremenu kontakta ispitanika s predmetima. Predmeti su prebrisani navlaženim vatiranim štapićem, DNA se izolirala metodom Chelex, a za kvantifikaciju DNA se koristila lančana reakcija polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu (engl. Real Time PCR). Rezultati su pokazali da je količina DNA-traga neovisna o vremenu u kojem je ispitanik bio u dodiru s predmetima. Nasuprot tome, ovisna je o teksturi predmeta pri čemu je najveća količina DNA-traga ostala na plastificiranom metalu, a najmanja na papiru. Osobe između 35 i 44 godine starosti te muškarci ostavili su najveću količinu DNA-traga. Konačno, u ovom smo radu pokazali da je svojstvo ostavljanja određene količine DNA na predmetima individualno. The aim of this research was to discover the dependence of trace DNA quantity on various factors. We analyzed the correlation between handling time, donor age and gender and quantity of DNA trace left by individuals on items of different textures (paper, plastic, plastic coated metal) during rubbing with fingers and palm or holding items in a hand. Items were swabbed with moistened cotton swab, DNA was isolated by Chelex method and quantified by Real Time PCR. The results showed the amount of DNA transferred to an item was independent of the handling time. In contrast, it was dependent of item texture where the greatest amount was left on plastic coated metal and the least on paper. The greatest amount of DNA trace was left by individuals ranging in age from 35 to 44 years and men. Finally, this study showed that the tendency to deposit DNA on an item was an independent characteristic of a person.


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