Elaboration of a non intrusive diagnosis tool for the detection of water management defaults and CO poisoning in PEMFC stacks
Steiner, N., et al. Elaboration of a Non Intrusive Diagnosis Tool for the Detection of Water Management Defaults and CO Poisoning in PEMFC Stacks. June 2009. EBSCOhost,
Steiner, N., Sébastien Wasterlain, Daniel Hissel, Denis Candusso, Harel, F., Vincent Raimbault, Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Michel Sorine, Alexandre Giraud, Auzanneau, F., Rosini, S., & Xavier François. (2009). Elaboration of a non intrusive diagnosis tool for the detection of water management defaults and CO poisoning in PEMFC stacks.
Steiner, N., Sébastien Wasterlain, Daniel Hissel, Denis Candusso, F. Harel, Vincent Raimbault, Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, et al. 2009. “Elaboration of a Non Intrusive Diagnosis Tool for the Detection of Water Management Defaults and CO Poisoning in PEMFC Stacks,” June.