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The Impact of Agriculture Mechanization and Agricultural Productivity on Agricultural Employment

Authors :
Yücel, Muhammed Hasan
Çalışkan, Zafer
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019.


Agriculture and agricultural production play an important role on population in a country. With the development of agriculture, humanity can continue its progress. Cultivation, fertilization and fertilization methods, mechanization of agriculture and high-yield hybrid seeds have enabled agricultural production to meet the food needs of the population. Especially it was absolutely saving time and effort with mechanization. excess labour occurred in the agricultural sector has created the phenomenon of migration from rural to urban glides to other sectors. In this study, the mechanization and productivİty in agricultural production is being investigated its impact on agricultural employment in Turkey. In this context, 2009Q3-2018Q2 period between the level of mechanization in Turkey, the number of employed in the agricultural sector, agricultural Gross Domestic Product values and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model analysis was performed with statistical data on agricultural land in the same period. As a result of the analysis, it was found that mechanization level and average income per capita in agriculture had a negative effect on agricultural employment rate in the long run. ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI ii ETİK BEYAN iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGE v ABSTRACT vi ÖZET vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii ABBREVIATIONS xii LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF FIGURES xvi INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1 6 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGRICULTURE AND EMPLOYMENT 6 1.1 GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN TURKEY 6 1.1.1 Importance of Agriculture Sector 6 1.1.2. Agricultural Production and Sector 14 1.1.3. The Size of Agricultural Enterprises 15 1.1.4. The Main Inputs of Agricultural Production 17 1.1.6. Agricultural Productivity 19 1.1.7. The Price of Agricultural Products 20 1.1.8. The Mechanization in Agricultural Sector 21 1.1.9. Agricultural Subsidies 25 Forms of Agricultural Intervention 25 Direct Income Support (DIS) 27 Deficiency Payments 27 Compensatory Payments 28 Livestock Subsidy 29 Agricultural Insurance Payments 30 Rural Development Supports 30 Other Support Payments 31 1.2. LABOUR MARKET IN TURKEY 32 1.2.1. Employment and Types of Employment 32 1.2.2. Employment Theories 33 Classic Employment Theory 34 Neo-Classical Employment Theory 35 Marxist Employment Theory 36 Keynesian Employment Theory 38 Monetarist Employment Theory 40 New-Keynesian Employment Theory 41 1.2.3. Employment, Unemployment and Labour Force Participation in Turkey 43 1.2.4. Education Level of the Workforce 44 1.2.5. Sectoral Distribution of Employment 45 1.2.6. Informal Employment 46 CHAPTER 2 48 LITERATURE REVIEW 48 CHAPTER 3 56 DATA AND METHODOLOGY 56 3.1. DATA 56 3.2. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTIC 58 3.3. THE MODEL 59 3.3.1. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bounds Testing Aproach 60 3.3.2. Unit Root Tests 61 3.4. THE RESULTS OF THE ARDL BOUNDS TESTING MODEL 62 CONCLUSION 67 REFERENCES 70 APPENDIX.1.ETHICS COMMISSION FORM OR ETHICS’ BOARD APPROVA 81 APPENDIX.2.THESIS ORIGINALITY REPORT 82 Tarım ve tarımsal üretim bir ülkede nüfusun beslenmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Tarımın gelişimi ile beraber insanlık ilerlemesini devam ettirebilmektedir. Toprak verimliliğini arttırıcı ekim, ilaçlama ve gübreleme yöntemleri, tarımın mekanizasyonu ve yüksek verimli hibrit tohumlar tarımsal üretimin nüfusun gıda ihtiyacını karşılamada yeterli olmasını sağlamıştır. Özellikle mekanizasyon ile birlikte zamandan ve emekten büyük oranda tasarruf edilmiştir. Tarım sektöründe meydana gelen fazla işgücü diğer sektörlere kayarak kırdan kente göç olgusunu yaratmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de tarımda makineleşmenin ve tarımsal üretimde verimliliğin, tarımsal istihdam üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda Türkiye’deki 2009Q3-2018Q2 dönemleri arasındaki mekanizasyon düzeyi, tarım sektöründeki istihdam düzeyi, tarımsal Gayri Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla değerleri ve aynı dönemdeki tarım alanı istatistiki verileri ile ARDL analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda, uzun dönemde, mekanizasyon ve tarımda kişi başı ortalama gelir düzeyinin, tarımsal istihdam oranını negatif yönde etkilediği saptanmıştır.


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