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Stanišni tipovi u lovištima okolice Vrbovskog

Authors :
Milić, Ana
Ozimec, Siniša
Florijančić, Tihomir
Bošković, Ivica
Publication Year :


Prikazana je zastupljenost i raspodjela stanišnih tipova u dva lovišta VIII/18 “Jelenski jarak“ i VIII/19 „Lipov vrh“ i njihova pogodnost za gospodarenje glavnim vrstama divljači. Istraživana lovišta nalaze se u okolici grada Vrbovskog u istočnom dijelu Primorsko-goranske županije. Urađena je analizom strukture prirodnih, polu-prirodnih i antropogenih stanišnih tipova. Veliki udio šumskih staništa (93 % površine lovišta) utvrđen je u lovištu »Lipov vrh«, dok udio polu-prirodnih i antropogenih staništa iznosi 6 %, što ukazuje na niski antropogeni utjecaj. U lovištu »Jelenski jarak« izraženiji je antropogeni utjecaj jer se u lovištu nalazi urbano područje grada Vrbovskog, trasa autoceste i željeznička pruga. Udio kultiviranih, izgrađenih i industrijskih staništa je 22 %, dok je udio šumskih staništa 42 %. Utvrđeni sastav i raspored stanišnih tipova povoljniji su za obitavanje i uzgoj srne obične i medvjeda u lovištu „Lipov vrh“, dok su podjednako pogodni za jelena običnog i svinju divlju<br />Representation and distribution of habitat types in two hunting grounds: VIII/18 “Jelenski jarak“ and VIII/19 „Lipov vrh“ is described., as well as their suitability for managing the main game species. Surveyed hunting grounds are located in the surrounding of City of Vrbovsko, in eastern part of Primorsko-Goranska County. An analysis of structure of natural, semi-natural and artificial habitat types is done. Large portion of forest habitats (93% of total hunting ground surface) is determined in the hunting ground »Lipov vrh«, while share of 6% for semi-natural and artificial habitats indicated low anthropogenic impact. In the hunting ground »Jelenski jarak« anthropogenic impact is more pronunced, because of the urban area of the City of Vrbovsko, a highway corridor and railroad. Portion of cultivated, constructed and industrial habitats is 22%, while that of forest habitats is 42%. Determined composition and distribution of habitat types is more suitable for dwelling and managing of roe deer and brown bear in the hunting ground „Lipov vrh“, while the suitability is equal for red deer and wild boar


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