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Non-residents' attitudes towards heritage: Exploring tourist typologies by cultural consumption

Authors :
Elina De Simone
Source :
Acta turistica, Volume 24, Issue 2
Publication Year :


Koristeći multidimenzionalnu analizu, ova studija istražuje ponašanje turista na povijesnim lokalitetima u regiji Campania. Kao rezultat klaster analize identifi cirane su četiri skupine nerezidentnih kulturnih posjetitelja. Analiza potvrđuje da proces odabira povijesnog lokaliteta varira ovisno o karakteristikama posjetitelja – ne samo socio-demografskim, već i onim vezanim uz prethodna turistička iskustva. Usmjeravajući se na dva klastera – „upoznate“ i „usko segmentirane“ turiste – predlažu se moguće ekonomske interpretacije različitih modela ponašanja u procesu konzumacije nasljeđa. Zaključci sugeriraju da su akumulirano znanje i emocionalna povezanost s lokalitetom, kao dio šireg više nego lokalnog nasljeđa, ključne varijable kod donošenja odluka turista te da se potražnja ne može jednostavno stimulirati mjerama ponude.<br />This study examines tourists’ behaviour in heritage sites in the Campania region using a multidimensional analysis. Four types of non-resident cultural visitors have been identifi ed resulting from a clustering technique. The analysis has confi rmed that the process of selecting cultural sites varies according to the characteristics of the visitor that are not only socio-demographic but related to previous tourist experiences as well. Focusing on two clusters – “familiar” and “niche” tourists – we propose a possible economic interpretation of different behaviours in the process of heritage consumption. The conclusions suggest that the accumulated knowledge and emotional involvement with the site as a part of a wider rather than local heritage are the key variables in tourist choices and that demand cannot be simply stimulated by supply measures.


Language :
03534316 and 18486061
Database :
Journal :
Acta turistica, Volume 24, Issue 2
Accession number :