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Big game fishing in Adriatic sea

Authors :
Stranić, Iva
Matulić, Daniel
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Agronomski fakultet. Ribarstvo, pčelarstvo, lovstvo i specijalna zoologija., 2021.


Big game ribolov u svijetu podjednako je zastupljen i na moru i na slatkim vodama, a Jadransko more zauzima sve značajniju poziciju na mapi svjetskih Big game ribolovnih destinacija. Iznimno je zahtjevan sport, a izvlačenje kapitalnih primjeraka riba može trajati satima. Iziskuje i velike investicije u potrebne alate kao što su ribolovni štap, role (najlona ili upredenice), osnove najmanje nosivosti od 30 lbs, kružne vrste udica i varalice. Kao takav izuzetno je pogodan za razvoj turističkih destinacija te ga sve više država uvrštava u svoje ponude. Ciljane vrste su tune, igluni te ostale veće ribe otvorenog mora. Neke od ribolovnih tehnika koje se koriste su spinning, trolling, drifting, jigging te su one zajedno sa najvažnijim vrstama Big game ribolova opisane u radu. Posljednjih godina u Hrvatskoj se održavaju i međunarodna natjecanja u Big game ribolovu na destinacijama kao što su Jezera, Vodice, Poreč i dr. te kao sport postaje sve više popularan. Daljnji razvoj ovog ribolova ovisit će o potražnji na tržištu i budućim regulativama. Big game fishing in the world is equally represented at sea and in fresh waters, and the Adriatic Sea occupies an increasingly important position on the map of the world's Big game fishing destinations. It is an extremely demanding sport, and catching large fish can take hours. It also requires large investments in the necessary tools such as fishing rods, reels (nylon or braids), basics with a minimum load capacity of 30 lbs, circular types of hooks and lures. As such, it is extremely suitable for the development of tourist destinations and more and more countries are including it in their offers. The most important species are tuna, swordfish and other larger fish of the open sea. Some of the fishing techniques used are spinning, trolling, drifting, jigging and those techniques along with the most important species in Big game fishing are described in the thesis. In recent years, international tournaments in Big game fishing have been held in Croatia at destinations such as Jezera, Vodice, Poreč, etc., and as a sport, it is becoming increasingly popular. The further development of this fishery will depend on market demand and future regulations.


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