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Dolina Babine Grede – Research of the Late Bronze Age settlement in Sava Valley 2018

Authors :
Ložnjak Dizdar, Daria
Dizdar, Marko
Mihaljević, Marija
Source :
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Volume XV, Issue 1
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of arhaeology, 2019.


Kasnobrončanodobno naselje u Dolini na položaju Babine grede nalazi se na dvije uzdignute grede koje se pružaju usporedno s tokom rijeke Save u smjeru zapad – istok. Naselje je poznato od ranije na osnovi prikupljenih brojnih površinskih nalaza keramičkih ulomaka te je potvrđeno geomagnetskim snimanjem 2014. godine. Tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine istražena je sonda 1 koja je bila položena na istočnome dijelu zapadne grede. Arheološkim istraživanjem provedenim 2018. godine na položaju Babine Grede – Tukovi željela se utvrditi točna datacija naselja smještenoga na istočnoj gredi. Prema otkrivenim brončanim i keramičkim predmetima, naselje na položaju istočne grede dijelom je egzistiralo u isto vrijeme kao i dio naselja obuhvaćen istraživanjima u sondi 1 na zapadnome dijelu grede, tijekom Ha A2, odnosno u prvoj polovici 11. st. pr. Kr. U sondi 2 otkriveni su i mlađi horizonti naseljavanja od onih zabilježenih u sondi 1. Rezultati istraživanja provedenih 2018. godine mijenjaju dosadašnje pretpostavke o horizontalnoj stratigrafiji naseljavanja u Dolini, odnosno kako se kasnobrončanodobno naselje širilo od istoka prema zapadu, budući da se nedaleko od zapadnoga ruba naselja na Babinim gredama na položaju Glavičice nalazi groblje pod tumulima. Provedenim istraživanjem dokazano je kako se naselje širilo i prema istoku na uzdignutijim mjestima koja nisu bila izravno izložena naglim mjenama razina vode rijeke Save.<br />The Late Bronze Age settlement on the site of Babine Grede in Dolina stands on two greda (elevated positions) stretching along the River Sava in the east-west direction. The settlement is known from before on the basis of numerous collected surface finds of pottery fragments, and it was confirmed by a geomagnetic survey in 2014. Trench 1, in the eastern part of the western elevation, was excavated in 2015 and 2016. Archaeological research undertaken on the site of Babine Grede – Tukovi in 2018 was intended to determine the exact dating of the settlement standing on the eastern elevation. The discovered bronze and ceramic objects show that the settlement on the position of the eastern elevation was partly contemporaneous with the part of the settlement included in the excavations of trench 1 in the western part of the elevation, during Ha A2, that is, in the first half of the 11th century BC. Trench 2 contained even younger settlement horizons than the ones identified in trench 1. The results of the research from 2018 have changed the assumptions about the horizontal settlement stratigraphy in Dolina, that is, about how the Late Bronze Age settlement spread from east to west, where the settlement is the closest to the cemetery under the tumuli at the position of Glavičice. The research has proven that the settlement spread towards the east, too, on the higher places which were not directly exposed to sudden changes in the water level of the Sava. In future years, research will focus on locating the flat cemetery and considering the horizontal stratigraphy of the Late Bronze Age settlement on the site of Babine Grede.


Language :
18486363 and 18454046
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Annales Instituti Archaeologici
Accession number :