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Determination method of desk and table heights for disabled elderly

Authors :
Hisano, Shinya
Shimizu, Hajime
Source :
広島大学保健学ジャーナル. 2(2):29-35
Publication Year :
Publisher :
広島大学保健学出版会, 2003.


人間工学領域において,適切な机・テーブルの高さを決定する方法が成人を対象として見出されている.この既存方法が高齢障害者に拡大して適用できるのか,主観的及び客観的側面から検討した.無作為抽出した20名の高齢障害者を対象として,既存方法で合わせた机の高さと主観的判断によって決定した高さ,仕事効率に適した高さを比較した.その結果,差尺を座高の3分の1の値とする既存方法が高齢障害者にも適用できることが明らかとなった.また,この方法で決定する高さ付近に35mm~70mmの許容範囲が存在する可能性が示唆された.<br />Objective : The purpose was to ascertain if a determination method of table heights founded on ergonomics could be applied to the disabled elderly, and to present the allowable range of table heights for them. Method : The subjects were twenty randomly selected disabled elderly. We measured favorite table heights for each of them. We divided work efficiency into speed and push strength, and then measured the appropriate height of tables for each of them. Results : Differences between table heights decided by the usual method and heights as decided by our 3 standards (favorite, speed, push strength) were not observed in any case. Moreover, no differences were seen among these 3 standards for determining table heights. For mean ±1SD, the perfectly overlapping range was 35 mm, and the maximum range was 70 mm. Conclusion : Table heights decided by the usual method and heights from 3 standards. We established that the method of determining seat-table distance by one third of the sitting height could be applied for disabled elderly. There is thus a possibility that the optimum allowable distance to the level of the table by the presently used method is 35 mm, and the maximum allowable range is 70 mm.


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