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Fusarium spp. Mycotoxins in Raw Materials for Brewing

Authors :
Heric, Lea
Mastanjević, Kristina
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Osijek. Zavod za procesno inženjerstvo. Katedra za bioprocesno inženjerstvo., 2020.


Mikroflora ječma i pšenice sastoji se u najvećoj mjeri od bakterija, kavasaca i filamentoznih plijesni. Tijekom skladištenja i u procesu prerade u slad uslijed promjene uvjeta okoline sastav mikroflore se mijenja. Najveći problem u sladarstvu predstavljaju plijesni zbog štetnih metabolita (mikotoksina) koji utječu na zdravstvenu ispravnost i kakvoću slada, samim time i piva. Najznačajnije plijesni spadaju u rod Fusarium i ukoliko dođe do zaraze predstavljaju opasnost od velikih ekonomskih gubitaka. Da bi se to spriječilo nužna je prevencija i kontrola zaraze navedenim plijesnima, te praćenje njihovog utjecaja na proizvodni proces. The microflora of barley and wheat consists mostly of bacteria, yeasts and filamentous moulds. During storage and processing of cereals into malt the environmental conditions, can greatly influence the composition of the microflora. The biggest problem in malting industry are fungi due to their harmful metabolites (mycotoxins) that affect the health and quality of malt, and subsequently influence the safety and quality of beer. The most important fungi belong to the genus Fusarium because they cause economic losses in brewing and malting industries. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to reduce and control the infection of cereals with these fungi, and to monitor their impact on the production process.


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