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Authors :
Rončević, Ante
Furdi Šafarić, Petra
Čerepinko, Darijo
Iva Gregurec
Source :
CroDiM : International Journal of Marketing Science, Volume 6, Issue 1
Publication Year :


Informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije dovele su do jednostavnijeg povezivanja potrošača i brendova. Danas su to sofisticirani društveni kanali kojima se poduzeća moraju prilagoditi žele li zadržati svoje korisnike. Upravo su društveni mediji ti koji dobrim dijelom utječu na potrošače i njihovo ponašanje. Može se reći da ljudi u zadnje vrijeme žive u paralelnim svjetovima, u onom realnom i virtualnom, stoga nove tehnologije poput virtualne stvarnosti otvaraju vrata revolucionarnim kanalima marketinga i prodaje. Potrošači sve više provode vrijeme online i samim time je to idealno vrijeme za testiranje novih mogućnosti interneta poput Metaverse-a, virtualnih svjetova koji još uvijek nisu dosegli svoj maksimum, a opisuju se kao vrhunac interneta, zabave, obrazovanja i e-trgovine. Prema tome Metaverse je područje trgovine koja će u budućnosti najviše rasti, posebice privlačeći pozornost velikih brendova koji žele veću digitalnu prisutnost na tržištu. Cilj rada je utvrditi kakav utjecaj imaju društveni mediji na ponašanje potrošača, na koji način se već sada potrošači koriste virtualnom stvarnošću te koliko su potrošači spremni prihvatiti nove oblike trgovine u Metaverse virtualnom svijetu. Rad je podijeljen u dvije cjeline. U teorijskom okviru objašnjeni su pojmovi društvenih medija, virtualne stvarnosti i njihovi utjecaji na potrošače, dok su u drugom dijelu prikazani rezultati provedenog kvantitativnog istraživanja u okviru anketnog upitnika kako bi se utvrdilo koliki je taj utjecaj na potrošače na hrvatskom tržištu.<br />Information and communication technologies have made it easier to connect consumers and brands. Today, these are sophisticated social channels that companies must adapt to if they want to retain their customers. Social media is one of the factors that greatly influence consumers and their behavior. It can be said that people nowadays live in parallel worlds, the real one and the virtual one, which is why new technologies, such as virtual reality, open up revolutionary marketing and sales channels. Consumers are spending more and more time online, making this an ideal time to test new internet possibilities such as the Metaverse, virtual worlds that have not yet reached their maximum potential and are described as the pinnacle of the internet, entertainment, education and e-commerce. Therefore, the Metaverse is an area of commerce that will grow the most in the future, especially attracting the attention of large brands that want a greater digital presence on the market. The main goal of this paper is to determine the impact of social media on consumer behavior, how are consumers already using virtual reality, and how willing they are to accept new forms of commerce in the Metaverse virtual world. The paper is divided into two sections. The theoretical part explains the concepts of social media, virtual reality and their impact on consumers, while the second part presents the results of a quantitative survey conducted through a questionnaire to determine the extent of this impact on consumers in the Croatian market.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
CroDiM : International Journal of Marketing Science, Volume 6, Issue 1
Accession number :