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Lattuce transplants growth and development influenced by tretment with Rivergreen

Authors :
Talan, Ivana
Vinković, Tomislav
Popović, Brigita
Stošić, Miro
Publication Year :


Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj tretmana s Rivergreen®-om na rast i razvoj presadnica salate. Korištene su dvije sorte salate (Majska kraljica i Ljubljanska ledenka). Sjeme je posijano u plitice sa čistim supstratom i sa supstratom u koji je dodan pripravak Rivergreen®. Rivergreen® je pripravak koji je nastao mljevenjem kamenja podrijetlom iz Alpa koju je Drava donijela do Hrvatske te je dodatno tribomehanički aktiviran. Utvrđeno je kako je tretman s Rivergreenom® djelovao pozitivno na rast i razvoj pojedinih parametara kod ispitivanih sorata salate. Kod sorte Majska kraljica, tretman s Rivergreen-om je povećao svježu i suhu masu te broj i širinu listova. Tretman nije imao utjecaja na svježu i suhu masu sorte Ljubljanske ledenke, na dužinu listova kod obje ispitivane sorte kao i na širinu i broj listova sorte Ljubljanska ledenka. Iz ovog istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je Rivergreen® pozitivno utjecao na rast i razvoj biljaka salate, ali je odgovor biljke na tretman sortno specifičan.<br />The aim of this study was to determine the effect of treatment with Rivergreen® on growth and development of lettuce transplants. Two varieties of salads were used (Majka kraljica and Ljubljanska ledenka) in this investigation. The sowing was done in polystyrene containers filled with a peat substrate treated with Rivergreen® or untreated as control variant. Rivergreen® is a product which is generated by milling the stones found in the river Drava (Alps sediments) and is tribomechanically activated. It was found that treatment with Rivergreen® had positive influence on the growth and development of certain parameters in the examined lettuce varieties. In the cv. Majska kraljica, Rivergreen treatment has increased the fresh and dry mass as well as the number and width of the leaves. The treatment did not have any influence on the fresh and dry mass of the cv. Ljubljanska ledenka, the leaf length at both investigated cultivars as well as the width and number of leaves of the cv. Ljubljanska ledenka. From this research, we can conclude that Rivergreen® positively influenced on the growth and development of lettuce, but the plant response to the treatment was cultivar dependent.


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