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The influence of children's polka dancing on the motor development of preschool children

Authors :
Turčinov, Bernarda
Malada, Dodi
Vidović Schreiber, Tea-Tereza
Vlahović, Lidija
Publication Year :


Pokret je bitna komponenta djetetove osobnosti jer pomoću njega dijete može upoznati prostor i njim ovladati, komunicirati s okolinom, izraziti vlastite osjećaje, želje i potrebe, postići samostalnost. Kada se govori o plesu, govori se o radosti koja obuzima pojedinca kada pokreće vlastito tijelo i zadovoljstvu koje kretanje izaziva. Plesna umjetnost i kineziologija usko su povezane jer djeca kroz njih usvajaju znanja o samostalnoj kontroli tijela i tjelesnih pokreta. Predškolsko doba je vrijeme je u kojem se dijete intezivno razvija, stoga je od neprocjenjive važnosti započeti s plesnim aktivnostima u toj dobi jer utjecaji iz ranog djetinjstva uvelike utječu na kasniji razvoj. Jednostavniji narodni plesovi temeljeni na prirodnim oblicima kretanja pogodne su plesne strukture za djecu predškolske dobi. No, kod provođenja plesnih aktivnosti s djecom najvažnije je da djeca uživaju, zadovolje svoje interese, želje i potrebe i da se svaka aktivnost provodi kroz igru kako bi djeci bila prirodna i spontana.<br />Movement is an essential component of a child's personality that enables him to become acquainted and familiar with the space around him, to communicate with the environment, express his own feelings, wishes and needs, to achieve independence etc. When we talk about dance, we are talking about the joy that fills an individual when he moves his own body and the pleasure that movement evokes. Dance art and kinesiology are closely related because children acquire knowledge about controlling their own body and body movements through both of them. Preschool age is a period in which a child develops intensively, so it is important to start dancing activities at this age because the influences from early childhood greatly affect later development. Simpler folk dances based on natural forms of movement are suitable dance structures for preschool children. When conducting dance activities with children, the most important thing is to ensure that the children enjoy themselves, satisfy their interests, desires and needs and that each activity is carried out through play in order for the children to be natural and spontaneous.


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