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Korištenje AutoCad programske podrške u konstruiranju i dizajniranju računalnog sklopovlja

Authors :
Franković, Marko
Tomasović, Željka
Publication Year :


Tema završnog rada vezana je za konstruiranje sklopovlja pomoću AutoCad sustava podrške te prikaz funkcionalnosti samog AutoCada. Uvodni dio rada govori što je AutoCad. Definirani su pojmovi CAD i CAM te sama povijest nastanka takvih alata. Bitan dio je početak razrade same teme u kojemu su pojašnjene neke od važnih funkcionalnosti koje se koriste u izradi nacrta te njihov način korištenja. Neke od tih funkcionalnosti su linija, krug, kopiraj, izreži, pomakni te kote. Uslijedilo je dimenzioniranje i crtanje triju komponenti. Te komponente su napajanje, grafička kartica i matična ploča. Njihovo konstruiranje izvedeno je u navedenom redoslijedu: od najlakše komponente za konstruirati prema najtežoj. Samo konstruiranje svelo se na korištenje navedenih funkcionalnosti u praktične svrhe. Kod konstruiranja bitno je paziti na pravila prikaza kao što je podudaranje točaka tlocrta, nacrta i bokocrta. Pri kotiranju korišten je strojarski način kotiranja. The topic of this final thesis is related to the construction of assemblies using the AutoCad support system and the presentation of the functionality of AutoCad itself. The introductory part of the paper tells what AutoCad is. The terms CAD and CAM and the very history of the creation of such tools are also defined. An important part is the beginning of the development of the topic itself, in which some of the important functionalities used in the creation of drafts and how to use them are clarified. Some of these functionalities are line, circle, copy, trim, move and dimensions. Dimensioning and drawing of the three components followed. These components are the power supply, graphics card and motherboard. Their construction is carried out in the specified order from the easiest component to construct to the most difficult. The construction itself was reduced to the use of the mentioned functionalities for practical purposes. When constructing, it is important to pay attention to the display rules, such as matching the points of the ground plan, plan and side plan. When dimensioning, the engineering method of dimensioning is used.


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