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Arhitektura, konstrukcija i konzervacija: reprezentativna palača tridesetih godina u Zagrebu

Authors :
Matan, Cela
Sunara Kusić, Marina
Golešić, Morena
Source :
Common Foundations 2018-uniSTem: 6th Congress of Young Researchers in the Field of Civil Engineering and Related Sciences
Publication Year :


Cilj je ovog rada predstavljanje doktorske disertacije Arhitektura, konstrukcija i konzervacija: reprezentativna palača tridesetih godina u Zagrebu obranjene na Sveučilištu Roma “Tor Vergata“, Rim, Italija 2010. godine. U radu je analizirana kompleksna tipologija zgrada, pretežno poslovne namjene, nastale na vrhuncu zagrebačkog modernog pokreta - tridesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća u Donjem gradu, današnjem središtu Zagreba. Razmatrana tipologija prerasta prvotnu inačicu poslovnih građevina s funkcionalnom podjelom po etažama i postaje kompleksan spoj raznolikih sadržaja za veliki broj korisnika; zajednička karakteristika odabranih građevina je da su sve predstavništva poduzeća ili udruga građana radi čega su u istraživanju nazvane reprezentativna palača. Analiza objedinjuje desetak palača koje danas čine antologijsko tkivo grada te otkriva Zagreb kao konzervativnu sredinu po pitanju konstruktivnih karakteristika građevina, primjene suvremenih materijala i njihovih mogućnosti.<br />The goal of this article is a presentation of a doctoral dissertation Architecture, construction and conservation: representative palace in Zagreb during 1930ies completed at the Italian University Roma „Tor Vergata“, in 2010. A complex building typology mainly of business function is being analyzed; the buildings were constructed at the peak of the modern movement in Zagreb-during 1930ies, in today's downtown called Donji Grad. This studied typology outgrows the first version with functional division per floors, and becomes a complex mix of various components for a large number of users. All the chosen buildings are built as seats of firms and citizen's associations, that's why they get called representative palaces in the research. The analysis connects ten palaces which make today the anthological tissue of the town, and discovers Zagreb as a conservative milieu concerning constructive characteristics and the use of modern materials.


Language :
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Journal :
Common Foundations 2018-uniSTem: 6th Congress of Young Researchers in the Field of Civil Engineering and Related Sciences
Accession number :