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Authors :
Sedej, Katarina
Modun, Darko
Šešelja Perišin, Ana
Božić, Joško
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Medicinski fakultet. Farmacija., 2020.


Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati stavove studenata medicine, dentalne medicine i farmacije o farmakogenomici i personaliziranoj medicini. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno među studentima medicine, dentalne medicine i farmacije Medicinskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu. Anketno ispitivanje provedeno je internetskim putem koristeći alat Google forms, zbog epidemiološke situacije uzrokovane epidemijom COVID-19. Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 415 studenata. Najveći udio uključenih studenata činili su studenti farmacije te studenti pete godine svih studija. Većina je studenata smatrala da geni imaju umjeren utjecaj na zdravlje. Oko 60% studenata smatra da bi farmakogenomika trebala biti važan dio nastavnog programa, dok samo 12,1% studenata smatra da je plan i program za razumijevanje farmakogenomike dobro osmišljen. Gotovo 85% svih studenata smatra da personalizirana medicina predstavlja novi i obećavajući način zdravstvene njege. Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo kako je edukacija vrlo važna za razvoj novih znanja o farmakogenomici. Također, farmakogenomika trebala bi biti više obuhvaćena u nastavnom planu i programu kako bi studenti stekli samopouzdanje i bili spremni primjeniti je u kliničkoj praksi. To bi trebalo olakšati da farmakogenomika i personalizirana medicina postanu novi način zdrastvene njege.<br />Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate medical, dental and pharmacy students attitudes of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. Material and methods: The research was conducted among students of medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy at the School of Medicine, University of Split. The survey was conducted online using the Google forms tool, due to the epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The questionnaire consisted of 35 questions. Results: A total of 415 students participated in the study. The largest share of students involved are pharmacy students and fifth-year students of all studies. Most of the students thought that the genes had moderate impact on health. About 60% of students believe that pharmacogenomics should be an important part of the curriculum, while only 12.1% of students believe that the curriculum for understanding pharmacogenomics is well designed. Almost 85% of all students believe that personalized medicine is a new and promising way of health care. Conclusion: This research has shown that education is very important for the development of new knowledge about pharmacogenomics. Also, pharmacogenomics should be more included in the curriculum in order for students to gain self-confidence and be ready to apply it in clinical practice. This should make it easier for pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine to become a new way of health care.


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