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Košna konglomerati: sastav i porijeklo čestica

Authors :
Palatinuš, Iva
Gobo, Katarina
Fio Firi, Karmen
Publication Year :


U ovom radu provedena je kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza šarenih Košna konglomerata koji izdanjuju na središnjem dijelu Velebita, na području Brušana, uz vrelo Košna voda. Određena je prosječna veličina čestica koje izgrađuju konglomerate i njihova zastupljenost u pojedinim kategorijama Udden-Wentworthove klasifikacije te je procijenjen postotni udio matriksa. Petrografskim mikroskopom određena je litologija čestica i matriksa, a rudnim mikroskopom identificirani su opâki minerali. Uzorci pješčenjaka klasificirani su kao litični areniti, subarkoze te feldspatski areniti, a osim pješčenjaka, konglomerat čine valutice vapnenaca, rožnjaka i kremena. Rendgenskom difrakcijskom analizom utvrđeno je da crvenu boju pješčanog matriksa konglomerata uzrokuje hematit. Temeljem provedenih analiza i terenskih opažanja, Košna konglomerati određeni su kao petromiktni klastpotporni i matrikspotporni konglomerati, mjestimično brečo-konglomerati srednjopermske starosti čiji materijal vrlo vjerojatno potječe iz izdignutog Hercinskog gorja i taložen je u marinskom okolišu. In this thesis a quantitative and qualitative analysis of multicoloured Košna conglomerates has been conducted. These conglomerates are found in the middle part of the Velebit Mt., in the Brušane area, along the “Košna voda” creek. The average particle size and their percentage in particular categories of the Udden-Wentworth classification were determined, and the percentage of matrix content was estimated. Particle and matrix lithology were determined using a petrographic microscope, while the present opaque minerals were identified using an ore microscope. Sandstone samples are classified as lithic arenites, subarkoses and feldspathic arenites. Beside sandstones, the conglomerates consist of limestone, chert and quartz pebbles. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the red colour of conglomerate matrix is caused by hematite. Based on the conducted analysis and field observations, the Košna conglomerates are defined as Middle Permian petromict clast-supported and matrix-supported conglomerates, locally breccia-conglomerates. The material very likely originated from the uplifted Hercynian Mountains and was deposited in a marine environment.


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