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Utjecaj LED osvjetljenja na klijavost salate
- Publication Year :
- 2015
- Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj LED i FLUO osvjetljenja te sorte salate na klijavost, energiju klijanja te masu i visinu klijanaca. Klijavost i energija klijanja su određene standardnom laboratorijskom metodom, a kao materijal je korišteno sjeme tri sorte salate Ledenka, Nansen i Posavka. Sjeme sve tri sorte je postavljeno na naklijavanje istovremeno u komoru opremljenu s LED i FLUO osvjetljenjem. LED lampe su bile opremljene plavim (440-460 nm) i crvenim (650-670 nm) LED diodama. Tijekom istraživanja je utvrđeno da osvjetljenje i sorta značajno utječu na sve ispitivane parametre. Najveći postotak klijavosti i energije klijanja je utvrđen kod LED osvjetljenja. Međutim, značajno veća masa klijanaca i visina su utvrđene kod FLUO osvjetljenja, ali je primijećeno da su klijanci pod FLUO osvjetljenjem bili svijetlije zelene boje u usporedbi s klijancima salate pod LED osvjetljenjem koji su bili intenzivno zelene boje što upućuje na veću koncentraciju klorofila iako ista nije mjerena u ovom istraživanju. Iz svih navedenih rezultata se može zaključiti da je LED osvjetljenje prikladno za testiranje klijavosti kao i za rast i razvoj mladih biljaka salate. LED osvjetljenje je, osim što utječe na povećanje klijavosti, energetski učinkovita rasvjeta te se preporučuje ugradnja iste u komore za rast i razvoj biljaka kao i u zaštićene prostore jer su LED lampe istovremeno i puno lakše, malog volumena i izražene dugovječnosti.<br />The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of LED and FLUO lighting as well as cultivar on germination, germination energy, seedlings fresh weight and height of lettuce. Germination and germination energy were evaluated by standard laboratory procedure where seeds of three lettuce cultivars Ledenka, Nansen i Posavka were used as material. Seeds of all three cultivars were sown and at the same time placed in growth chamber equipped with LED and FLUO lamps. LED lamps were equipped with blue (440-460 nm) and red (650-670 nm) diodes. During this investigation, it was determined that lighting and cultivar significantly effects on all investigated parameters. Highest germination percentage and germination energy was determined when using LED lighting. However, significantly higher fresh weight and height of seedlings was observed in FLUO lighting. At the same time, seedlings placed under FLUO lighting had less pronounced green coloration of their cotyledons compared to that placed under LED lighting which were intensively green suggesting that they had higher chlorophyll concentration even though chlorophyll concentration was not measured during this investigation. It can be concluded that LED lighting is appropriate for testing seed germination as well as for growth and development of young lettuce plants. LED lighting is, except for increasing germination, energy efficient light source and is recommended to be installed in plant growth chambers and greenhouses because of their lightweight, small volume and long life.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :