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O engleskom prijevodu govora u Papićevu filmu 'Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj'

Authors :
Peričić, Helena
Publication Year :


HRVATSKI: Glavni je cilj ovoga rada istaknuti neke specifičnosti u engleskom prijevodu govora u filmu "Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj". Film je u produkciji Jadran filma iz Zagreba režirao 1973. godine Krsto Papić (1933.-2013.) na temelju tragigroteske glasovitoga hrvatskog dramatičara Ive Brešana (1936.-2017.), napisane sredinom 1960ih, a prvi put postavljene na pozornicu 1971. ENGLISH: The main purpose of this paper is to point our some specific features found in the English translation of the speech in the film "Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj" (Acting Hamlet in the Village of Mrduša Donja) (1973) directed by Krsto Papić (1933-2013) and produced by Jadran film from Zagreb. The film is based on a famous tragi- grotesque by the playwright Ivo Brešan (1936- 2017), written in the mid 1960s, and brought on the stage for the first time in 1971.


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