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GridPP: development of the UK computing Grid for particle physics

Authors :
Collaboration, The TGC
Faulkner, P PJW W
Lowe, L LSL
Tan, C CLA A
Watkins, P PMW
Bailey, D DSB
Barrass, T TAB
Brook, N NHB
Croft, R RJH H
Kelly, M MPK
Mackay, C CKM
Metson, S SM
Maroney, O OJE E
Newbold, D DMN
Wilson, F FFW
Hobson, P PRH
Khan, A AK
Kyberd, P PK
Nebrensky, J JJN
Bly, M MB
Brew, C CB
Burke, S SB
Byrom, R RB
Coles, J JC
Cornwall, L LAC
Djaoui, A AD
Field, L LF
Fisher, S SMF
Folkes, G GTF
Geddes, N NIG
Gordon, J JCG
Hicks, S SJC C
Jensen, J JGJ
Johnson, G GJ
Kant, D DK
Kelsey, D DPK
Kuznetsov, G GK
Leake, J JL
Middleton, R RPM
Patrick, G GNP
Prassas, G GP
Saunders, B BJS
Ross, D DR
Sansum, R RAS
Shah, T TS
Strong, B BS
Synge, O OS
Tam, R RT
Thorpe, M MT
Traylen, S ST
Wheeler, J JFW
White, N NGH H
Wilson, A AJW
Antcheva, I IA
Artiaga, E EA
Beringer, J JB
Bird, I IGB
Casey, J JC
Cass, A AJC
Chytracek, R RC
Torreira, M MVG Gallas
Generowicz, J JG
Girone, M MG
Govi, G GG
Harris, F FH
Heikkurinen, M MH
Horvath, A AH
Knezo, E EK
Litmaath, M ML
Lubeck, M ML
Moscicki, J JM
Neilson, I IN
Poinsignon, E EP
Pokorski, W WP
Ribon, A AR
Sekera, Z ZS
Smith, D DHS
Tomlin, W WLT
Eldik, J JEv van
Wojcieszuk, J JW
Brochu, F FMB
Das, S SD
Harrison, K KH
Hayes, M MH
Hill, J JCH
Lester, C CGL
Palmer, M MJP
Parker, M MAP
Nelson, M MN
Whalley, M MRW
Glover, E EWN N
Anderson, P PA
Clark, P PJC
Earl, A ADE
Holt, A AH
Jackson, A AJ
Joo, B BJ
Kenway, R RDK
Maynard, C CMM
Perry, J JP
Smith, L LS
Thorn, S ST
Trew, A AST
Bell, W WHB
Burgon-Lyon, M MB
Cameron, D DGC
Doyle, A ATD
Flavell, A AF
Hanlon, S SJH
Martin, D DJM
McCance, G GM
Millar, A APM
Nicholson, C CN
Paterson, S SKP
Pickford, A AP
Soler, P PS
Speirs, F FS
Denis, R RSD
Thompson, A AST
Britton, D DB
Cameron, W WC
Colling, D DC
Davies, G GD
Dornan, P PD
Egede, U UE
Georgiou, K KG
Lewis, P PL
MacEvoy, B BM
Marr, S SM
Martyniak, J JM
Tallini, H HT
Wakefield, S SW
Walker, R RW
Bertram, I IAB
Bouhova-Thacker, E EB
Evans, D DE
Henderson, R RCW W
Jones, R RWL L
Love, P PL
Downing, S SD
George, M MPG
Irving, A ACI
McNeile, C CM
Sroczynski, Z ZS
Tobin, M MT
Washbrook, A AJW
Barlow, R RJB
Dallison, S SD
Fairey, G GF
Forti, A AF
Hughes-Jones, R REH
Jones, M MAS S
Kaushal, S SK
Marshall, R RM
McNab, A AM
Salih, S SS
Werner, J JCW
Bartsch, V VB
Cioffi, C CC
Gronbech, P PG
Harnew, N NH
Harris, J JFH
Huffman, B BTH
Leslie, M ML
McArthur, I IM
Newman, R RN
Soroko, A AS
Stokes-Rees, I IS
Stonjek, S SS
Tseng, J JT
Waters, D DW
Wilkinson, G GW
Arter, T TRA
Cordenonsi, R RAC
Datta, A ASD
Hartin, T TH
Lloyd, S SLL
Martin, A AJM
Pearce, S SEP
Williams, C CJW
Gardner, M MG
George, S SG
Green, B BJG
Johal, S SJ
Rybkine, G GR
Strong, J JAS
Teixeira-Dias, P PT
Hodgson, P PH
Robinson, M MR
Tovey, D DRT
Spooner, N NJC C
Allton, C CRA
Armour, W WA
Clarke, P PC
Mealor, P PM
Waters, D DW
Waugh, B BW
West, B BW
Source :
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics; January 2006, Vol. 32 Issue: 1 p1-20, 20p
Publication Year :


The GridPP Collaboration is building a UK computing Grid for particle physics, as part of the international effort towards computing for the Large Hadron Collider. The project, funded by the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC), began in September 2001 and completed its first phase 3 years later. GridPP is a collaboration of approximately 100 researchers in 19 UK university particle physics groups, the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils and CERN, reflecting the strategic importance of the project. In collaboration with other European and US efforts, the first phase of the project demonstrated the feasibility of developing, deploying and operating a Grid-based computing system to meet the UK needs of the Large Hadron Collider experiments. This note describes the work undertaken to achieve this goal.


Language :
09543899 and 13616471
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Supplemental Index
Journal :
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Publication Type :
Accession number :