Abstract P532: Does Atrial Fibrillation Impact Rate of Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated With rt-PA and/or Endovascular Treatment?
Bavarsad Shahripour, Reza, et al. “Abstract P532: Does Atrial Fibrillation Impact Rate of Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated With Rt-PA and/or Endovascular Treatment?” Stroke (Ovid), vol. 52, no. Supplement 1, Mar. 2021, p. AP532. EBSCOhost,
Bavarsad Shahripour, R., Shifflett, B., Labin, E., Figurelle, M., Barminova, A., Meyer, B. C., & Meyer, D. M. (2021). Abstract P532: Does Atrial Fibrillation Impact Rate of Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated With rt-PA and/or Endovascular Treatment? Stroke (Ovid), 52(Supplement 1), AP532.
Bavarsad Shahripour, Reza, Benjamin Shifflett, Edward Labin, Morgan Figurelle, Anna Barminova, Brett C Meyer, and Dawn M Meyer. 2021. “Abstract P532: Does Atrial Fibrillation Impact Rate of Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated With Rt-PA and/or Endovascular Treatment?” Stroke (Ovid) 52 (Supplement 1): AP532. doi:10.1161/str.52.suppl_1.P532.