Doubleblind placebocontrolled crossover study of duodenal infusion of levodopacarbidopa in Parkinson's disease patients with 'onoff' fluctuations
Kurth, M. C., et al. “Doubleblind Placebocontrolled Crossover Study of Duodenal Infusion of Levodopacarbidopa in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with ‘Onoff’ Fluctuations.” Neurology (Ovid), vol. 43, no. 9, Sept. 1993, pp. 1698–703. EBSCOhost,
Kurth, M. C., Tetrud, J. W., Tanner, C., Irwin, I., Stebbins, G. T., Goetz, C. G., & Langston, J. W. (1993). Doubleblind placebocontrolled crossover study of duodenal infusion of levodopacarbidopa in Parkinson’s disease patients with “onoff” fluctuations. Neurology (Ovid), 43(9), 1698–1703.
Kurth, M. C., J. W. Tetrud, Cm. Tanner, I. Irwin, G. T. Stebbins, C. G. Goetz, and J. W. Langston. 1993. “Doubleblind Placebocontrolled Crossover Study of Duodenal Infusion of Levodopacarbidopa in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with ‘Onoff’ Fluctuations.” Neurology (Ovid) 43 (9): 1698–1703.