ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Diepoxides and Diaziridines, Precursors of Enantiomerically Pure α‐Hydroxy‐ and α‐Amino Aldehydes or Acids, from D‐Mannitol.
Le Merrer, Y., et al. “ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Diepoxides and Diaziridines, Precursors of Enantiomerically Pure Α‐Hydroxy‐ and Α‐Amino Aldehydes or Acids, from D‐Mannitol.” ChemInform, vol. 18, no. 26, June 1987, p. no. EBSCOhost,
Le Merrer, Y., Dureault, A., Greck, C., Micas, L. D., Gravier, C., & Depezay, J. ‐C. (1987). ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Diepoxides and Diaziridines, Precursors of Enantiomerically Pure α‐Hydroxy‐ and α‐Amino Aldehydes or Acids, from D‐Mannitol. ChemInform, 18(26), no.
Le Merrer, Y., A. Dureault, C. Greck, Languin, D. Micas, C. Gravier, and J.‐C. Depezay. 1987. “ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Diepoxides and Diaziridines, Precursors of Enantiomerically Pure Α‐Hydroxy‐ and Α‐Amino Aldehydes or Acids, from D‐Mannitol.” ChemInform 18 (26): no. doi:10.1002/chin.198726309.