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Authors :
Storms, G.
Wallner, Bjorn
Osselton, N. E.
Zandvoort, R. W.
Kinsley, James
Praz, Mario
Stamm, Rudolf
Schubiger, Maria
Funke, O.
Bland, D. S.
Macdonald, A.
Schnyder, Hans
Mincoff, M.
Wilkinson, David
Riewald, J. G.
Sundby, Bertil
Wood, Frederick
Simon, Irene
Bodelsen, C. A.
Torringa, J. H.
Leech, Clifford
Betteridge, H. T.
Turner, Paul
Roppen, Georg
Meier, Hans Heinrich
Neuijen, S.
Flanagan, John
Timmer, B. J.
Cawley, A. C.
Dawson, S. W.
Dickinson, Leon
van Ek, J. A.
Bouman, A. C.
Vaissier, J. J.
Visser, F. Th.
Foakes, R. A.
Emerson, Everett
Brown, Wilfred
Schibsbye, K.
Nordhjem, Bent
Spang-Thomsen, B.
Source :
English Studies; 1961, Vol. 42 Issue: 1-6 p28-396, 369p
Publication Year :


The Proverbs of Alfred. II. The texts edited with introduction, notes and glossary. By O. Arngart. (Skrifter utgivna av kungl. humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet i Lund. XXXII: II.) Lund: Gleerup. 1955. Price Sw Kr. 25,—.Kyng Alisaunder. Edited by G. V. Smithers. Volume II: Introduction, Commentary and Glossary. (Early English Text Society No. 237, 1957 (for 1953).) London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1957. Price 37 s. 6d.The James Carmichaell Collection of Proverbs in Scots. Edited by M. L. Anderson. Edinburgh, the University Press, 1957. 149 pp. Price 20/—.Shakespeare Jahrbuch. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft von Hermann Heuer und Wolfgang Clemen unter Mitwirkung von Rudolf Stamm. Band 94/1958, 370 pp. — Band 95/1959, 417 pp. — Band 96/1960, 324 pp. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer.Shakespeare en France. Shakespeare et le Theatre Elisabethain en France depuis Cinquante Ans. Etudes Anglaises, xiiie Annee, No. 2, Avril-Juin 1960. 101-318 pp. xvi Documents Photographiques. Paris: Didier. Price of this special number 15 NF.Joseph Glanvill, Anglican Apologist. By J. I. Cope. St. Louis: Washington University Studies, 1956. viii + 180 pp. Price $ 3.75 net.Tillotson: A Study in Seventeenth-Century Literature. By L. G. Locke. (Anglistica vol. IV.) Copenhagen: Roskilde & Bagger. 1954. 188 pp. Price Dan. kr. 23.00 net.The Works of Nathaniel Lee. Edited with Introduction and Notes by T. B. Stroup and A. L. Cooke, Professors of English, University of Kentucky. New Brunswick, N. J. 1954-55. Two volumes, pp. v + 484 and iii + 613. Price (?)A History of English Drama, 1660-1900. By Allardyce Nicoll. Vol. IV: Early Nineteenth Century Drama, 1800-1850, second edition, 668 pp. Cambridge, 1955, 55 sh.. Vol. V: Late Nineteenth Century Drama, 1850-1900, second edition, 901 pp. Cambridge, 1959, 75 sh.. Vol. VI: A Short-Title Alphabetical Catalogue of Plays Produced or Printed in England from 1660 to 1900, 565 pp. Cambridge, 1959, 65 sh..The Origin and Early History of Meditative-Polemic Should in That-Clauses. By Frank Behre. Goteborg, 1950. (Goteborg Hogskolas Årsskrift LVI 1950: 3.) 275-309.Meditative-Polemic Should in Modern English That-Clauses. By Frank Behre. (Gothenburg Studies in English IV.) Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1955. 183 pp. Price Sw. Kr. 15.The Groundwork of English Intonation. By Roger Kingdon. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1958. xxxi + 272 pp. Price 18/—.The Groundwork of English Stress. By Roger Kingdon. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1958. xv + 224 pp. Price 15/—.Beowulf, reproduced in facsimile. Second edition containing a new reproduction of the MS. Edited with an introductory note by Norman Davis. (E.E.T.S. Nr. 245.) Oxford University Press. 1959. xxi + 145 pp. Price 70/—.Beowulf, an introduction to the study of the poem by R. W. Chambers. Third edition with a supplement by C. L. Wrenn. Cambridge University Press. 1959. xvii + 628 pp. Price 55/—.The Golden Mirror: Studies in Chaucer's Descriptive Technique and its Literary Background. By Claes Schaar. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup. 1955. viii + 526 pp. ' Kr. 50.-.Scottish Poetry. A Critical Survey. Edited by James Kinsley. London: Cassell and Co. 1955. x + 330 pp. Price 30/-.Shakespeare Survey. Edited by Allardyce Nicoll. Vols. 11 and 12. Cambridge University Press, 1958 and 1959. Price 27s. 6d. and 25s. resp.Not Wisely But Too Well. Shakespeare's Love Tragedies. By F. M. Dickey. San Marino : The Huntington Library: 1957. ix + 205 pp. Price $ 5.00.English Stage Comedy. Edited with an Introduction by W. K. Wimsatt Jr. (English Institute Essays: 1954.) New York: Columbia University Press. 1955. 182 pp. Price $3.50.'Some Thankfulnesse to Constantine': A Study of English Influence upon the Early Works of Constantijn Huygens. By Rosalie L. Colie. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1956. xiv + 170 pp. Price fl. 14.50.Branded Words in English Dictionaries Before Johnson. By N. E. Osselton. (Groningen Studies in English VII.) Groningen: J. B. Wolters. 1958. viii + 192 pp. Price f 9,50.Young Samuel Johnson. By James L. Clifford. London: William Heinemann, Ltd. xv + 367 pp. 1955. Price 30/— net.Die Wiederbelebung des Mittelalters im humoristischen Abbild. Antiromantische Stromungen in der englischen Literatur. Von Hans Schnyder. (The Cooper Monographs on English and American Language and Literature, ed. by H. Ludeke, Basel, Switzerland. I.) Pp. 148. Bern: Francke. 1956. SFr. 14.—.His Very Self and Voice. Edited by Ernest J. Lovell, JR. New York: Macmillan. 1954. 676 pp. Price $ 7.50.The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-Formation. A Synchronic-Diachronic Approach. By Hans Marchand. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. 1960. xx + 379 pp. Price sewn DM 28.—, cloth DM 32.—.Frank Behre: Papers on English Vocabulary and Syntax. Edited on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, 19?61. (Gothenburg Studies in English, 10.) Goteborg 1961. (Distributors: Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm.) xvi + 170 pp. Price sewn Sw. Kr. 18.—, cloth 23.—.Byrhtnoths Tod. Aus dem Altenglischen ubersetzt von H. Koziol. Wien-Stuttgart: Wilhelm Braumuller. 1960. 16 pp. DM. 1.40.Middle English Dictionary. Editor Hans Kurath. Associate Editor Sherman M. Kuhn. Part B.1 and Part B.2. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1957.The English Language in Modern Times (since 1400). By Margaret Schlauch. Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 1959. [Received 1960.] xii + 316 pp. Price in U. K. 30s. net. (Distributed outside Poland by the Oxford University Press.)The Economy of Action and Word in Shakespeare's Plays. By Arthur Gerstner-Hirzel. (The Cooper Monographs on English and American Language and Literature, 2.) Bern: Francke Verlag, 1957. 134 pp. Price Sw. Fr. 13.50.Die Hollis-Sammlung in Bern. Ein Beitrag zu den englisch-schweizerischen Beziehungen in der Zeit der Aufklarung. Von Hans Utz. (Schriften der literarischen Gesellschaft Bern. Neue Folge der Neujahrsblatter, VIII.) Bern: Verlag Herbert Lang Cie. 1959. 148 pp. SFr. 9.Das personliche Menschenbild Matthew Arnolds in der dichterischen Gestaltung. By G. Muller-Schwefe. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1955. 292 pp. Cloth DM 30.—.Francis Thompson. La vie et l'œuvre d'un poete. By Pierre Danchin. Paris: A.-G. Nizet, Editeur. 1959. 554 pp. Price 28 N.F.The Business of Criticism. By Helen Gardner. Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1959. viii + 157 pp. 15s. net.The Scottish National Dictionary. Designed partly on regional lines and partly on historical principles, and containing all the Scottish words known to be in use or to have been, in use since c. 1700. Volume IV. Parts III and IV. Galti — Hair. 1955-6. Volume V. Parts I to III. Hair — Kempy. 1957-60. Each part at 128 pp. Edited by (Pwilliam Grant and) David D. Murison. Edinburgh: The Scottish Dictionary Association Ltd.'William Langlands Piers Plowman, Eine Interpretation des C-Textes. By W. Erzgraber. (Frankfurter Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der Anglistik und der Amerika-Studien, Heft 3). Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitatsverlag, 1957. 248 pp. D.M. 24.—.Piers Plowman and the Scheme of Salvation. By R. W. Frank, Jr. (Yale Studies in English, vol. 136.) Yale U.P. and O.U.P., 1957. xiv+123 pp. 32/-.A Handbook of Renaissance Meteorology, With Particular Reference to Elizabethan and Jacobean Literature. By S. K. Heninger Jr. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1960. xii + 269 pp. Price $ 7.50.Die Naturauffassung in der englischen Dichtung des 17. Jahrhunderts. Von Dr. Siegfried Korninger. (Wiener Beitrage zur Englischen Philologie, lxiv). Wien-Stuttgart: Wilhelm Braumuller. 1956. 260 pp. Price Dutch Fl. 5.80.James Franklin Beard, ed., The Letters and Journats of James Fenimore Cooper, two volumes (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1960), Illustrations, xlv, 444; viii, 420 pp. $ 20.00.The English Verb Auxiliaries. By W. F. Twaddell. Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University Press. 1960. 21 pp. Price $ 0.60 plus postage.Pe Wohunge of Ure Lauerd, edited from British Museum MS. Cotton Titus D. XVIII, together with On Ureison of Ure Louerde, On Wel Swuðe God Ureisun of God Almihti, On Lofsong of Ure Louerde, On Lofsong of Ure Lefdi, Pe Oreisun of Seinte Marie, from the manuscripts in which they occur, by W. Meredith Thompson. (E.E.T.S. No. 241. 1958 for 1955.) Lxiii + 80 pp. Price 32s.Middle English Dictionary. Editor Hans Kurath. Associate Editor Sherman M. Kuhn. Part B.3. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor 1957. Price $3.—.Essays on Middle English Literature. By Dorothy Everett. Edited by Patricia Kean. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1955, xi + 179 pp. Price 18s.Everyman. Edited by A. C. Cawley. (Old and Middle English Texts, General Editor: G. L. Brook.) Manchester University Press. 1961. xxxviii + 47 pp. Price 7s. 6d. net.Everyman and Medievat Miracle Plays. Edited with an Introduction by A. C. Cawley. (Everyman's Library 381.) London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. Second edition, 1957-8. xxi + 266 pp. Price 7s. 6d. net.Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies Presented to Frank Percy Wilson in honour of his seventieth birthday. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1959. viii + 355 pp. 42s.Anti-Puritan Satire 1572-1642. By William P. Holden. (Yale Studies in English, Vol. 126.) New Haven: Yale U. P., 1954. xii + 165 pp. Price $ 3.75.Englische Religiose Lyrik des 17. Jahrhunderts. Studien zu Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Vaughan. By Arno Esch. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1955. 225 pp. DM 19.50/22.50.Court Trials in Mark Twain and Other Essays. By D. M. Mckeithan. 's-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1958. 178 pp. f 9.50.Adverb oder Praposition ? Zu einem klarungsbedurftigen Kapitel der englischen Grammatik. Von Gerhard Dietrich. Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag. 1960. 173 pp.The Salisbury Psalter, edited from Salisbury Cathedral Ms. 150 by Celia Sisam and Kenneth Sisam. (Early English Text Society No. 242.) Oxford University Press, 1959. pp. XI, 312. 84s.The Life of Christina of Markyate. A Twelfth Century Recluse. Edited and translated by C. H. Talbot. Oxford University Press. 1959. ix + 193 pp. 35s.Studien zur Syntax des Nomens, Pronomens und der Negation in den Paston Letters. By B. Carstensen. (Beitrage zur englischen Philologie, 42. Heft.) Bochum-Langendreer 1959. 328 pp. DM. 30.—.The Harvest of Tragedy. By T. R. Henn. London: Methuen. 1956. xv + 304 pp. 25/—.Ikon: John Milton and the Modern Critics. By Robert Martin Adams. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1955. xvii + 231 pp. Price $ 3.75.Ten Studies in the Poetry of Matthew Arnold. By Paull F. Baum. Duke University Press. 1958. xiii + 139 pp. $4.00.The Speeches of Charles Dickens. Edited by K. J. Fielding. Clarendon Press. 1960. 456 pp. Price 50/—.The Idiom of the People. English Traditional Verse Edited with an Introduction and Notes from the Manuscripts of Cecil J. Sharp by J. Reeves. London: Heinemann. (Mercury Books.) 1961. (First published 1958.) xii + 244 pp. Price 8s. 6d. net.Studies on the Emotional and Affective Means of Expression in Modern English. By Britta M. Charleston. (Schweizer Anglistische Arbeiten, 46. Band.) Bern: Francke. 1960. 357 pp. Price Sw. Fr. 29.—.Word-Classes in Modern English, with Special Reference to Proper Names. With an Introductory Theory of Grammar, Meaning and Reference. By H. S. Sørensen. Copenhagen: G. E. C. Gad. 1958. 189 pages. Dan. Kr. 20.00.English Intonation. Its Form and Function. By Maria Schubiger. With a set of 2 33 M gramophone records, spoken by Peter A. D. Maccarthy. Max Niemeyer Verlag. Tubingen: 1958. 111 p. DM 9.50.The Year's Work in English Studies. Volume XXXVIII, 1957. — Volume XXXIX, 1958. Edited by B. White and T. S. Dorsch. Published for the English Association by the Oxford University Press, London, 1960. 274 pp; 319 pp. Price 30/— net; 35/— net.


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0013838X and 17444217
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English Studies
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