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Book Reviews

Authors :
Halliday, Fred
Alger, Chadwick
Singer, H. W.
Dell, Sidney
Abu-Lughod, Janet
Shepherd, A. W.
Ferdinand, Peter
Havet, José
Parkinson, J. R.
Boyce, James
Odle, Maurice
Hoogvelt, Ankie
Pryce, Everton
Biswas, Asit
Doxey, Margaret
Lawrence, Peter
Molyneux, Maxine
Hallaj, Muhammad
Tarrant, J. R.
Olcott, Martha Brill
Tapp, Nicholas
Viksnins, George
Hooper, Emma
Segal, Gerald
Munslow, Barry
Skully, Michael
Barrow, Chris
Wright, Clifford
Minford, Patrick
Abbott, George
Source :
Third World Quarterly; July 1984, Vol. 6 Issue: 3 p755-806, 52p
Publication Year :


America's new cold war.Dead Ends: American foreign policy in the New Cold War Stanley Hoffmann Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger. 1983. 299pp. £21.00.Peddlers of Crisis: The Committee on the Present Danger and the politics of containment Jerry W Sanders London: Pluto Press. 1983. 371pp. £5.95pb.The Limits and Possibilities of Congress Philip Brenner New York: St Martin's Press. 206pp. np.America and the Americans Edmund Fawcett and Tony Thomas London: Fontana. 1983. 486pp. £2.95pb.Dictatorships and Double Standards: rationalism and reason in politics Jeane J Kirkpatrick New York: Simon and Schuster. 1982. 270pp. $14.95.The Rich and the Poor: development, negotiations and cooperation - an assessment Edited by Altaf Gauhar London: Third World Foundation. 1983. 273pp. £4.50.Towards a New Bretton Woods: challenges for the world financial and trading system Commonwealth Study Group London: Commonwealth Secretariat. 1983. 147pp. £5.00pb.The City and the Grassroots: a cross-cultural theory of urban social movements Manuel Castells London: Edward Arnold. 1983. 450pp. £35.00.Secondary Cities in Developing Countries: policies for diffusing urbanisation Dennis A Rondinelli London: Sage. 1983. 282pp. np.Management of Pastoral Development in the Third World Stephen Sandford London: John Wiley. 1983. 316pp. £16.95.Socialist Models of Development Edited by Charles K Wilber and Kenneth P Jameson Oxford: Pergamon. 1982. 240pp. £20.00.Rural Poverty and Agrarian Reform Edited by Steve Jones, P C Joshi and Miguel Murmis New Delhi. Allied Publishers (distributed in the UK by Dereham Books). 1982. 384pp. £10.00.The Recalcitrant Rich: a comparative analysis of the Northern responses to the demands for international economic order Edited by H O Bergesen, H H Holm and R D McKinlay London: Frances Pinter. 1982. 265pp. £13.75.Rich Country Interests and Third World Development Edited by Robert Cassen, Richard Jolly, John Sewell and Robert Wood London: Croom Helm. 1982. 369pp. £15.95.The World Bank: a critical analysis Cheryl Payer London: Monthly Review Press. 1982. 414pp. £12.95.The International Economy and Industrial Development: trade and investment in the Third World R Ballance, J Ansari and H Singer Brighton, England: Harvester Press. 1982. 326pp. £22.50.The Political Economy of Underdevelopment Tamas Szentes Budapest: Akademiai Kiado. 1983. 425pp. £28.75.Can the Third World Survive? Jacques Loup London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1983. 244pp. £8.95pb.Appropriate or Underdeveloped Technology? Arghiri Emmanuel Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1982. 186pp. £11.00.Economic Sanctions: ideals and experience M S Daoudi and M S Dajani London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1983. 263pp. £14.95.Social Clauses and International Trade Gote Hansson London: Croom Helm. 1983. 198pp. £12.95.Village Water Supply in the Decade: lessons from experience Colin Glennie Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1983. 152pp. £12.95.Economics of African Agriculture John Levi and Michael Havinden London: Longman. 1982. 175pp. £3.95.Ethiopia: an heretical revolution? René Lefort London: Zed Press. 1983. 301pp. £17.95. £6.95pb.Split Vision: the portrayal of Arabs in the American media Edited by Edmund Ghareeb Washington DC: American-Arab Affairs Council. 1983. 402pp. $12.95 $6.95pb.A Quiet Violence: view from a Bangladesh village Betsy Hartmann and James Boyce London: Zed Press. 1983. 285 pp. £12.95. £5.95pb.Islamic Peoples of the Soviet Union Shirin Akiner London: Kegan Paul International. 1983. 462pp. £25.00.Thailand: society and politics John L S Girling London: Cornell University Press. 1981. 306pp. np.Merchant Banking in ASEAN: a regional examination of its development and operations Michael T Skully Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. 1983. 200pp. £21.00.Women, Work and Property in North-West India Ursula Sharma London: Tavistock Publications. 1983. 226pp. £10.50. £5.95pb.Threats to Security in East Asia-Pacific Charles E Morrison Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books. 1983. 221pp. £22.50.No Fist Is Big Enough To Hide the Sky: the liberation of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Basil Davidson London: Zed Press. 1981. 187pp. £16.95.Amilcar Cabrai: revolutionary leadership and people's war P Chabal Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983. 272pp. £22.50. £9.95pb.The Economies of the ASEAN Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand Brian Wawn London: Macmillan. 1982. 188pp. £25.00.The Development of Labour Intensive Industry in ASEAN Countries Edited by Rashid Amjad Geneva: ILO. 1981. 337pp. $10.00.Environmental Assessment of Development Projects UN Asian and Pacific Development Centre Kuala Lumpur: UNAPDC. 1983. 334pp. $10.00.Between Battles and Ballots: Israeli military in politics Yoram Peri Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983. 344pp. £19.50.Global Environmental Issues: United Nations Environment Programme Edited by Essam El-Hinnawi and Manzur H Hashmi Dublin: Tycooly International (for UNEP). 1982. 236pp. £25.00. £15.00pb.The Newly Industrialising Countries: trade and adjustment Louis Turner and Neil McMullen London: George Allen and Unwin (for the Royal Institute of International Affairs). 1982. 290pp. £18.00.An Atlas of World Affairs (Seventh Edition) Andrew Boyd London: Methuen. 1983. 208pp. £3.95pb.An Atlas of African Affairs Ieuan LL Griffiths London: Methuen. 1984. 200pp. £4.95pb.Guide to Current National Bibliographies in the Third World G E Gorman and M M Mahoney Munich: Saur Verlag KG. 1983. 220pp. £15.00.EEC and the Third World: a survey - 2: hunger in the world Edited by Christopher Stevens London: Hodder and Stoughton (with the Overseas Development Institute and the Institute of Developmental Studies). 1982. 177pp. £5.95pb.EEC and the Third World: a survey - 3: the Atlantic rift Edited by Christopher Stevens Lonidon: Hodder and Stoughton (with the Overseas Development Institute and the Institute of Development Studies). 1983. 242pp. £6.95pb.The International Foundation Directory (Third Edition) Consultant Editor: H V Hodson London: Europa Publications. 1983. 401pp. £24.00.Human Food Uses: a cross-cultural comprehensive annotated bibliography Robert L Freedman London: Greenwood Press. 1983. 552pp. £55.95.Atlas of the Third World George Thomas Kurian London: Mansell Publishing. 1983. 381pp. £47.50.The Genius of Arab Civilisation: source of renaissance (Second Edition) Edited by J R Bayes Henley, England: Kegan Paul International. 1983. 260pp. £20.The African Book World and Press: a directory (Third Edition) Edited by Hans M Zeil and Carol Bundy Munich: Saur Verlag KG. 1983. 285pp. DM188.The SCOLMA Directory of Libraries and Special Collections on Africa in the United Kingdom and Western Europe (Fourth Edition) Edited by Harry Hannam Munich: Saur Verlag KG. 1983. 183pp. DM80.Libraries in West Africa: a bibliography (Third Edition) Helen Davies Munich: Saur Verlag KG. 1982. 170pp. £16.Africa Index to Continental Periodical Literature (Number 3) Edited by Colin Darch and O C Mascaranhas Munich: Saur Verlag KG. 1981. 191pp. £14.00.Subject Catalog Africa (Volume 6) Edited by Irmtraud Dietlinde Wolcke-Renk Munich: Saur Verlag KG. 1982. 460pp. DM180.


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01436597 and 13602241
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Third World Quarterly
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