Educational History Is an Independent Predictor of Cognitive Deficits and Long-Term Survival in Postacute Patients With Mild to Moderate Ischemic Stroke.
Ojala-Oksala, Johanna, et al. “Educational History Is an Independent Predictor of Cognitive Deficits and Long-Term Survival in Postacute Patients With Mild to Moderate Ischemic Stroke.” Stroke (00392499), vol. 43, no. 11, Nov. 2012, pp. 2931–35. EBSCOhost,
Ojala-Oksala, J., Jokinen, H., Kopsi, V., Lehtonen, K., Luukkonen, L., Paukkunen, A., Seeck, L., Melkas, S., Pohjasvaara, T., Karhunen, P., Hietanen, M., Erkinjuntti, T., & Oksala, N. (2012). Educational History Is an Independent Predictor of Cognitive Deficits and Long-Term Survival in Postacute Patients With Mild to Moderate Ischemic Stroke. Stroke (00392499), 43(11), 2931–2935.
Ojala-Oksala, Johanna, Hanna Jokinen, Valtteri Kopsi, Kalevi Lehtonen, Liisa Luukkonen, Antti Paukkunen, Lotte Seeck, et al. 2012. “Educational History Is an Independent Predictor of Cognitive Deficits and Long-Term Survival in Postacute Patients With Mild to Moderate Ischemic Stroke.” Stroke (00392499) 43 (11): 2931–35. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.112.667618.