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An Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness for Energy Efficiency Technology in Thailand Pulp and Paper Industry.

Authors :
Sathitbunanan, Sumate
Ritthong, Wirote
Source :
Energy Procedia; Nov2017, Vol. 138, p729-733, 5p
Publication Year :


Green Energy efficiency is becoming more important because of the resulting cost reduction and image of green society which helps to enhance competitiveness in a globalized green market. Pulp and paper manufacturing is a large-scale industry which is generally regarded as important for national development. The Pulp and Paper industry consumes approximately 2.5% of total industrial energy consumption in Thailand by 44 factories distributed throughout the country. Therefore, energy efficiency improvement can play a significant role in the industry. Investigations of the cost effectiveness of energy efficiency measures and technologies using bottom-up Conservation Supply Curve (CSC) in the pulp and paper mill process are required. This study examines the concept, methodology, and the usefulness of the energy conservation supply curve, and the potential to create the appropriate energy policies to the Thai Pulp and Paper Industry. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Language :
Volume :
Database :
Supplemental Index
Journal :
Energy Procedia
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :
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