In search of mixed anxiety–depressive disorder: a primary care study<FNR></FNR><FN>This article is a US Government and, as such, is in the public domain of the United States of America. </FN>.
Means-Christensen, Adrienne J., et al. “In Search of Mixed Anxiety–depressive Disorder: A Primary Care Study
Means-Christensen, A. J., Shernourne, C. D., Roy-Byrne, P. P., Schulman, M. C., Wu, J., Dugdale, D. C., Lessler, D., & Stein, M. B. (2006). In search of mixed anxiety–depressive disorder: a primary care study
Means-Christensen, Adrienne J., Cathy D. Shernourne, Peter P. Roy-Byrne, Martin C. Schulman, Jennifer Wu, David C. Dugdale, Daniel Lessler, and Murray B. Stein. 2006. “In Search of Mixed Anxiety–depressive Disorder: A Primary Care Study