Hepatitis B reactivation after withdrawal of preemptive lamivudine in patients with haematological malignancy on completion of cytotoxic chemotherapy.
Hui, C. K., et al. “Hepatitis B Reactivation after Withdrawal of Preemptive Lamivudine in Patients with Haematological Malignancy on Completion of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy.” Gut, vol. 54, no. 11, Nov. 2005, pp. 1597–603. EBSCOhost,
Hui, C.-K., Cheung, W. W. W., Au, W. Y., Lie, A. K. W., Zhang, H.-Y., Yueng, Y.-H., Wong, B. C. Y., Leung, N., Kwong, Y.-L., Liang, R., & Lau, G. K. K. (2005). Hepatitis B reactivation after withdrawal of preemptive lamivudine in patients with haematological malignancy on completion of cytotoxic chemotherapy. Gut, 54(11), 1597–1603.
Hui, C. -K., W. W. W. Cheung, W. Y. Au, A. K. W. Lie, H. -Y. Zhang, Y. -H. Yueng, B. C. Y. Wong, et al. 2005. “Hepatitis B Reactivation after Withdrawal of Preemptive Lamivudine in Patients with Haematological Malignancy on Completion of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy.” Gut 54 (11): 1597–1603. doi:10.1136/gut.2005.070763.