Findings on Sustainable Food and Agriculture Reported by Investigators at Federal University Campina Grande (Innovative and Sustainable Food Preservation Techniques: Enhancing Food Quality, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability).
“Findings on Sustainable Food and Agriculture Reported by Investigators at Federal University Campina Grande (Innovative and Sustainable Food Preservation Techniques: Enhancing Food Quality, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability).” Food Weekly News, Oct. 2024, p. 68. EBSCOhost,
Findings on Sustainable Food and Agriculture Reported by Investigators at Federal University Campina Grande (Innovative and Sustainable Food Preservation Techniques: Enhancing Food Quality, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability). (2024). Food Weekly News, 68.
“Findings on Sustainable Food and Agriculture Reported by Investigators at Federal University Campina Grande (Innovative and Sustainable Food Preservation Techniques: Enhancing Food Quality, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability).” 2024. Food Weekly News, October, 68.