Recent Findings from Hacettepe University School of Medicine Highlight Research in Medullary Thyroid Cancer (Lymph Node ACTH Washout: New Assistant Method for Localizing the Source of Ectopic ACTH Secretion in a Case of Metastatic Medullary...).
“Recent Findings from Hacettepe University School of Medicine Highlight Research in Medullary Thyroid Cancer (Lymph Node ACTH Washout: New Assistant Method for Localizing the Source of Ectopic ACTH Secretion in a Case of Metastatic Medullary...).” Clinical Oncology Week, Oct. 2024, p. 838. EBSCOhost,
Recent Findings from Hacettepe University School of Medicine Highlight Research in Medullary Thyroid Cancer (Lymph Node ACTH Washout: New Assistant Method for Localizing the Source of Ectopic ACTH Secretion in a Case of Metastatic Medullary...). (2024). Clinical Oncology Week, 838.
“Recent Findings from Hacettepe University School of Medicine Highlight Research in Medullary Thyroid Cancer (Lymph Node ACTH Washout: New Assistant Method for Localizing the Source of Ectopic ACTH Secretion in a Case of Metastatic Medullary...).” 2024. Clinical Oncology Week, October, 838.