Reports on Veterinary Medicine Findings from Gyeongsang National University Provide New Insights (Metataxonomic and metabolomic profiling revealed Pinus koraiensis cone essential oil reduced methane emission through affecting ruminal microbial...).
“Reports on Veterinary Medicine Findings from Gyeongsang National University Provide New Insights (Metataxonomic and Metabolomic Profiling Revealed Pinus Koraiensis Cone Essential Oil Reduced Methane Emission through Affecting Ruminal Microbial...).” Veterinary Week, July 2024, p. 57. EBSCOhost,
Reports on Veterinary Medicine Findings from Gyeongsang National University Provide New Insights (Metataxonomic and metabolomic profiling revealed Pinus koraiensis cone essential oil reduced methane emission through affecting ruminal microbial...). (2024). Veterinary Week, 57.
“Reports on Veterinary Medicine Findings from Gyeongsang National University Provide New Insights (Metataxonomic and Metabolomic Profiling Revealed Pinus Koraiensis Cone Essential Oil Reduced Methane Emission through Affecting Ruminal Microbial...).” 2024. Veterinary Week, July, 57.