Effects of multiple recycling on the performance characteristics of asphalt binder using different recycling agents.
Rodrigues, Julia A., et al. “Effects of Multiple Recycling on the Performance Characteristics of Asphalt Binder Using Different Recycling Agents.” Road Materials & Pavement Design, vol. 25, no. 8, Aug. 2024, pp. 1680–93. EBSCOhost,
Rodrigues, J. A., Vasconcelos, K. L., Martin, A. E., Arámbula-Mercado, E., & Masad, E. (2024). Effects of multiple recycling on the performance characteristics of asphalt binder using different recycling agents. Road Materials & Pavement Design, 25(8), 1680–1693.
Rodrigues, Julia A., Kamilla L. Vasconcelos, Amy Epps Martin, Edith Arámbula-Mercado, and Eyad Masad. 2024. “Effects of Multiple Recycling on the Performance Characteristics of Asphalt Binder Using Different Recycling Agents.” Road Materials & Pavement Design 25 (8): 1680–93. doi:10.1080/14680629.2023.2268744.