Implementation of electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) in science laboratory classes: student response and lessons learned.
Chen, Stefanie H., et al. “Implementation of Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) in Science Laboratory Classes: Student Response and Lessons Learned.” Discover Education, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 1–14. EBSCOhost,
Chen, S. H., Garcia, C. B., Lazear, E., Lentz, T. B., Robertson, S. D., Li, Z., & Goller, C. C. (2024). Implementation of electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) in science laboratory classes: student response and lessons learned. Discover Education, 3(1), 1–14.
Chen, Stefanie H., Christina B. Garcia, Eric Lazear, Thomas B. Lentz, Sabrina D. Robertson, Zhen Li, and Carlos C. Goller. 2024. “Implementation of Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) in Science Laboratory Classes: Student Response and Lessons Learned.” Discover Education 3 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1007/s44217-024-00161-3.