Universitas Diponegoro Reports Findings in Veterinary and Animal Research (Comparative feed management system in sheep fed different physical forms of ration containing Ipomoea aquatica on the performance, rumen characteristics, and chewing...).
“Universitas Diponegoro Reports Findings in Veterinary and Animal Research (Comparative Feed Management System in Sheep Fed Different Physical Forms of Ration Containing Ipomoea Aquatica on the Performance, Rumen Characteristics, and Chewing...).” Veterinary Week, Mar. 2024, p. 79. EBSCOhost,
Universitas Diponegoro Reports Findings in Veterinary and Animal Research (Comparative feed management system in sheep fed different physical forms of ration containing Ipomoea aquatica on the performance, rumen characteristics, and chewing...). (2024). Veterinary Week, 79.
“Universitas Diponegoro Reports Findings in Veterinary and Animal Research (Comparative Feed Management System in Sheep Fed Different Physical Forms of Ration Containing Ipomoea Aquatica on the Performance, Rumen Characteristics, and Chewing...).” 2024. Veterinary Week, March, 79.