Reports from Sapienza University of Rome Highlight Recent Findings in Cardiology and Angiology (Peer Assisted Learning: a Meta-ethnographic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies and Recommendations for Cardiovascular Training, Practice, and Research).
“Reports from Sapienza University of Rome Highlight Recent Findings in Cardiology and Angiology (Peer Assisted Learning: A Meta-Ethnographic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies and Recommendations for Cardiovascular Training, Practice, and Research).” Cardiovascular Week, Feb. 2024, p. 648. EBSCOhost,
Reports from Sapienza University of Rome Highlight Recent Findings in Cardiology and Angiology (Peer Assisted Learning: a Meta-ethnographic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies and Recommendations for Cardiovascular Training, Practice, and Research). (2024). Cardiovascular Week, 648.
“Reports from Sapienza University of Rome Highlight Recent Findings in Cardiology and Angiology (Peer Assisted Learning: A Meta-Ethnographic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies and Recommendations for Cardiovascular Training, Practice, and Research).” 2024. Cardiovascular Week, February, 648.