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A personalized paper recommendation method based on knowledge graph and transformer encoder with a self-attention mechanism.

Authors :
Gao, Li
Lan, Yu
Yu, Zhen
Zhu, Jian-min
Source :
Applied Intelligence; Dec2023, Vol. 53 Issue 24, p29991-30008, 18p
Publication Year :


Paper recommendation with personalized methods helps researchers to track the latest academic trends and master cutting-edge academic trends efficiently. Meanwhile, the methods of previous paper recommendation suffer from three problems: data sparsity of content-based and collaborative filtering methods; Graph-based recommendations do not fully consider the personalized information of authors and their articles; Cold start based on deep learning. To overcome those difficulties, we propose a personalized paper recommendation method based on a knowledge graph and Transformer encoder (KGTE) with a self-attention mechanism. Firstly, we add auxiliary information (article title, publication year, citation times, and abstract) as attributes to the nodes of knowledge graph(KG), which contain author, digital object unique identifier(DOI) and keywords. Secondly, BERT is used to represent the semantic information features of the article and Transformer is introduced to fully integrate the feature context. After that, by using RippleNet, we traverse the knowledge graph, filter the user preference distribution and form a set of pre recommended nodes with multi_hop nodes. Finally, the prediction layer sorts the set and gets a Top_n paper recommendation. In the experiments on the DBLP and Aminer datasets, the precision value of KGTE improved by an average of 2.59% over the existing baseline methods DER and 4.23% improvement in NDCG. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Language :
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Complementary Index
Journal :
Applied Intelligence
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
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