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A study of tools, techniques and language for the implementation of algorithm for brain tumor detection.

Authors :
Agarwal, Sunil Kumar
Gupta, Yogesh Kumar
Source :
AIP Conference Proceedings; 2023, Vol. 2963 Issue 1, p1-7, 7p
Publication Year :


In their highest grade, brain tumors are the most widespread and dangerous diseases with a very short life span. Therefore, early automatic brain tumor detection is required to lower the fatality rate. Due to this, MRI is a commonly used imaging technology for diagnosis; however, it is practically impossible to do manual segmentation of the volume of data generated by MRI promptly. This paper is intended to analyze the suitable tools, techniques and language for automatic detection of Brain Tumor. From the nature of the problem, it is quite evident that it requires high precision of accuracy in detecting such a deadly disease in a very short period and if possible, in real-time, for a large number of datasets will be required not only to train the algorithm but also for its testing. Spark is an open-source platform to deal with lots of data. Spark's API, PySpark is coupled with Python language to enable the developers to develop a python script for the Spark processing engine. Deep learning algorithms are the most useful and appropriate for such types of tasks where a large amount of data is involved and requires high precision training and testing of the models and the algorithms. In this paper, we have discussed the selection of the tools, techniques and language for the implementation of the model for detecting the brain tumor. Tools like Google Colab and PySpark have been explored in this paper. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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Complementary Index
Journal :
AIP Conference Proceedings
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