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Observed Relative Contributions of Anomalous Heat Fluxes and Effective Heat Capacity to Sea Surface Temperature Variability.

Authors :
Takahashi, Naoya
Richards, Kelvin J.
Schneider, Niklas
Stuecker, Malte F.
Annamalai, Hariharasubramanian
Nonaka, Masami
Source :
Geophysical Research Letters; 9/16/2023, Vol. 50 Issue 17, p1-9, 9p
Publication Year :


Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) vary not only due to heat exchange across the air‐sea interface but also due to changes in effective heat capacity as primarily determined by mixed layer depth (MLD). Here, we investigate seasonal and regional characteristics of the contribution of MLD anomalies to the month‐to‐month variability of SST using observational datasets. First, we propose a metric called Flux Divergence Angle, which can quantify the relative contributions of surface heat fluxes and MLD anomalies to SST variability. Using this metric, we find that MLD anomalies tend to amplify SST anomalies in the extra‐tropics, especially in the eastern ocean basins, during spring and summer. In contrast, MLD anomalies tend to suppress SST anomalies in the eastern tropical Pacific during December‐January‐February. This paper provides the first global picture of the observed importance of MLD anomalies to the local SST variability. Plain Language Summary: Sea surface temperature (SST) is one of the important indicators as well as drivers of climate variability over the globe. SST varies not only due to changes in surface heat fluxes but also due to changes in effective heat capacity as mainly determined by mixed layer depth (MLD). However, the observed characteristics of the latter process associated with the MLD anomalies are limited. In this study, we propose a new metric called "Flux Divergence Angle (FDA)," which can quantify the relative importance of MLD and surface heat flux to the SST variability. Using this metric, we find that the MLD anomalies tend to amplify the local SST variability in the extra‐tropics during spring and summer. On the other hand, MLD anomalies tend to suppress the SST variability in the eastern tropical Pacific during December‐January‐February. This paper provides, for the first time, the global picture of relative importance of MLD anomalies to the SST variability based on observations. Key Points: Relative contributions of mixed layer depth (MLD) and surface heat flux anomalies to sea surface temperature (SST) variability are investigated using the Flux Divergence Angle metricMLD anomalies tend to amplify SST anomalies in the extra‐tropics, especially in eastern part of ocean basin, during the spring and summerMLD anomalies tend to suppress SST anomalies in the eastern tropical Pacific during December‐January‐February [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Language :
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Database :
Complementary Index
Journal :
Geophysical Research Letters
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
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