Correction: Ou et al. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Components, Their Optical and Microphysical Properties over North China during Winter Haze in 2012, as Derived from POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Observations. Remote Sens. 2021, 13 , 2682.
Ou, Yang, et al. “Correction: Ou et Al. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Components, Their Optical and Microphysical Properties over North China during Winter Haze in 2012, as Derived from POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Observations. Remote Sens. 2021, 13 , 2682.” Remote Sensing, vol. 15, no. 4, Feb. 2023, p. 980. EBSCOhost,
Ou, Y., Li, L., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Dubovik, O., Derimian, Y., Chen, C., Fuertes, D., Xie, Y., Lopatin, A., Ducos, F., & Peng, Z. (2023). Correction: Ou et al. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Components, Their Optical and Microphysical Properties over North China during Winter Haze in 2012, as Derived from POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Observations. Remote Sens. 2021, 13 , 2682. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 980.
Ou, Yang, Lei Li, Zhengqiang Li, Ying Zhang, Oleg Dubovik, Yevgeny Derimian, Cheng Chen, et al. 2023. “Correction: Ou et Al. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Components, Their Optical and Microphysical Properties over North China during Winter Haze in 2012, as Derived from POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Observations. Remote Sens. 2021, 13 , 2682.” Remote Sensing 15 (4): 980. doi:10.3390/rs15040980.