Friction Stir Welded AA5052-H32 under Dissimilar Pin Profile and Preheat Temperature: Microstructural Observations and Mechanical Properties.
Muhayat, Nurul, et al. “Friction Stir Welded AA5052-H32 under Dissimilar Pin Profile and Preheat Temperature: Microstructural Observations and Mechanical Properties.” Metals (2075-4701), vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 2022, p. 4–N.PAG. EBSCOhost,
Muhayat, N., Harjono, M. S., Depari, Y. P. D. S., Prabowo, A. R., Triyono, T., Putri, E. D. W. S., & Tuswan, T. (2022). Friction Stir Welded AA5052-H32 under Dissimilar Pin Profile and Preheat Temperature: Microstructural Observations and Mechanical Properties. Metals (2075-4701), 12(1), 4–N.PAG.
Muhayat, Nurul, Mulyadi Sinung Harjono, Yohanes Pringeten Dilianto Sembiring Depari, Aditya Rio Prabowo, Triyono Triyono, Ericha Dwi Wahyu Syah Putri, and Tuswan Tuswan. 2022. “Friction Stir Welded AA5052-H32 under Dissimilar Pin Profile and Preheat Temperature: Microstructural Observations and Mechanical Properties.” Metals (2075-4701) 12 (1): 4–N.PAG. doi:10.3390/met12010004.