Differing physiological and behavioral responses to anthropogenic factors between resident and non-resident African elephants at Mpala Ranch, Laikipia County, Kenya.
Oduor, Sandy, et al. “Differing Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Anthropogenic Factors between Resident and Non-Resident African Elephants at Mpala Ranch, Laikipia County, Kenya.” PeerJ, Sept. 2020, pp. 1–25. EBSCOhost,
Oduor, S., Brown, J., Macharia, G. M., Boisseau, N., Murray, S., & Obade, P. (2020). Differing physiological and behavioral responses to anthropogenic factors between resident and non-resident African elephants at Mpala Ranch, Laikipia County, Kenya. PeerJ, 1–25.
Oduor, Sandy, Janine Brown, Geoffrey M. Macharia, Nicole Boisseau, Suzan Murray, and Paul Obade. 2020. “Differing Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Anthropogenic Factors between Resident and Non-Resident African Elephants at Mpala Ranch, Laikipia County, Kenya.” PeerJ, September, 1–25. doi:10.7717/peerj.10010.