Evaluation of SCD, ACACA and FASN Mutations: Effects on Pork Quality and Other Production Traits in Pigs Selected Based on RNA-Seq Results.
Piórkowska, Katarzyna, et al. “Evaluation of SCD, ACACA and FASN Mutations: Effects on Pork Quality and Other Production Traits in Pigs Selected Based on RNA-Seq Results.” Animals (2076-2615), vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 2020, p. 123. EBSCOhost,
Piórkowska, K., Małopolska, M., Ropka-Molik, K., Szyndler-Nędza, M., Wiechniak, A., Żukowski, K., Lambert, B., & Tyra, M. (2020). Evaluation of SCD, ACACA and FASN Mutations: Effects on Pork Quality and Other Production Traits in Pigs Selected Based on RNA-Seq Results. Animals (2076-2615), 10(1), 123.
Piórkowska, Katarzyna, Martyna Małopolska, Katarzyna Ropka-Molik, Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza, Angelika Wiechniak, Kacper Żukowski, Barry Lambert, and Mirosław Tyra. 2020. “Evaluation of SCD, ACACA and FASN Mutations: Effects on Pork Quality and Other Production Traits in Pigs Selected Based on RNA-Seq Results.” Animals (2076-2615) 10 (1): 123. doi:10.3390/ani10010123.