Digitally Assisted 28 GHz Active Phase Shifter With 0.1 dB/0.5° RMS Magnitude/Phase Errors and Enhanced Linearity.
Xia, Jingjing, and Slim Boumaiza. “Digitally Assisted 28 GHz Active Phase Shifter With 0.1 DB/0.5° RMS Magnitude/Phase Errors and Enhanced Linearity.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems. Part II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, no. 6, June 2019, pp. 914–18. EBSCOhost,
Xia, J., & Boumaiza, S. (2019). Digitally Assisted 28 GHz Active Phase Shifter With 0.1 dB/0.5° RMS Magnitude/Phase Errors and Enhanced Linearity. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems. Part II: Express Briefs, 66(6), 914–918.
Xia, Jingjing, and Slim Boumaiza. 2019. “Digitally Assisted 28 GHz Active Phase Shifter With 0.1 DB/0.5° RMS Magnitude/Phase Errors and Enhanced Linearity.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems. Part II: Express Briefs 66 (6): 914–18. doi:10.1109/TCSII.2018.2872865.