Protocol for a Randomised controlled trial to Evaluate the effectiveness and cost benefit of prescribing high dose FLuoride toothpaste in preventing and treating dEntal Caries in high-risk older adulTs (reflect trial).
Tickle, M., et al. “Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness and Cost Benefit of Prescribing High Dose FLuoride Toothpaste in Preventing and Treating DEntal Caries in High-Risk Older AdulTs (Reflect Trial).” BMC Oral Health, vol. 19, no. 1, May 2019, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,
Tickle, M., Ricketts, D. J. N., Duncan, A., O’Malley, L., Donaldson, P. M., Clarkson, J. E., Black, M., Boyers, D., Donaldson, M., Floate, R., Forrest, M. M., Fraser, A., Glenny, A. M., Goulao, B., McDonald, A., Ramsay, C. R., Ross, C., Walsh, T., Worthington, H. V., & Young, L. (2019). Protocol for a Randomised controlled trial to Evaluate the effectiveness and cost benefit of prescribing high dose FLuoride toothpaste in preventing and treating dEntal Caries in high-risk older adulTs (reflect trial). BMC Oral Health, 19(1), N.PAG.
Tickle, M., D. J. N. Ricketts, A. Duncan, L. O’Malley, P. M. Donaldson, J. E. Clarkson, M. Black, et al. 2019. “Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness and Cost Benefit of Prescribing High Dose FLuoride Toothpaste in Preventing and Treating DEntal Caries in High-Risk Older AdulTs (Reflect Trial).” BMC Oral Health 19 (1): N.PAG. doi:10.1186/s12903-019-0749-x.