Removal of a Subset of Non-essential Genes Fully Attenuates a Highly Virulent Mycoplasma Strain.
Jores, Joerg, et al. “Removal of a Subset of Non-Essential Genes Fully Attenuates a Highly Virulent Mycoplasma Strain.” Frontiers in Microbiology, Apr. 2019, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,
Jores, J., Ma, L., Ssajjakambwe, P., Schieck, E., Liljander, A., Chandran, S., Stoffel, M. H., Cippa, V., Arfi, Y., Assad-Garcia, N., Falquet, L., Sirand-Pugnet, P., Blanchard, A., Lartigue, C., Posthaus, H., Labroussaa, F., & Vashee, S. (2019). Removal of a Subset of Non-essential Genes Fully Attenuates a Highly Virulent Mycoplasma Strain. Frontiers in Microbiology, N.PAG.
Jores, Joerg, Li Ma, Paul Ssajjakambwe, Elise Schieck, Anne Liljander, Suchismita Chandran, Michael H. Stoffel, et al. 2019. “Removal of a Subset of Non-Essential Genes Fully Attenuates a Highly Virulent Mycoplasma Strain.” Frontiers in Microbiology, April, N.PAG. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.00664.