Collective capacitive and memristive responses in random nanowire networks: Emergence of critical connectivity pathways.
O’Callaghan, C., et al. “Collective Capacitive and Memristive Responses in Random Nanowire Networks: Emergence of Critical Connectivity Pathways.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 124, no. 15, Oct. 2018, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,
O’Callaghan, C., Rocha, C. G., Niosi, F., Manning, H. G., Boland, J. J., & Ferreira, M. S. (2018). Collective capacitive and memristive responses in random nanowire networks: Emergence of critical connectivity pathways. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(15), N.PAG.
O’Callaghan, C., C. G. Rocha, F. Niosi, H. G. Manning, J. J. Boland, and M. S. Ferreira. 2018. “Collective Capacitive and Memristive Responses in Random Nanowire Networks: Emergence of Critical Connectivity Pathways.” Journal of Applied Physics 124 (15): N.PAG. doi:10.1063/1.5037817.