Dynamics and stability of divertor detachment in H-mode plasmas on JET.
A R Field, et al. “Dynamics and Stability of Divertor Detachment in H-Mode Plasmas on JET.” Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, vol. 59, no. 9, Sept. 2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost,
A R Field, I Balboa, P Drewelow, J Flanagan, C Guillemaut, J R Harrison, A Huber, V Huber, B Lipschultz, G Matthews, A Meigs, J Schmitz, M Stamp, N Walkden, & contributors6, J. (2017). Dynamics and stability of divertor detachment in H-mode plasmas on JET. Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 59(9), 1.
A R Field, I Balboa, P Drewelow, J Flanagan, C Guillemaut, J R Harrison, A Huber, et al. 2017. “Dynamics and Stability of Divertor Detachment in H-Mode Plasmas on JET.” Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion 59 (9): 1. doi:10.1088/1361-6587/aa764c.